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Study the vocabulary about communication.
Nonverbal - being other than verbal communication;
Facial expression - a gesture executed with the facial muscles;
Sender - someone who transmits a message;
Communication - an exchange of information;
Verbal - involving words and language;
Receiver - the person who receives a message;
Oral communication - (language) communication by word of mouth;
Eye contact - contact that occurs when two people look directly at each other;
Ineffective - not producing an intended consequence;
Body language - communication via the movements or attitudes of the body;
Spoken word - a word that is spoken aloud;
Face-to-face - directly facing each other;
Two-way - involving two parts or elements.
Identify effective and ineffective verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
Could you tell that person was angry just by looking at his or her facial expression?
A manager may not be inclined to hire an employee with poor oral communication skills.
In the workplace, your posture and eye contact can send co-workers a message.
It can also sometimes be harder to understand spoken words over a telephone.