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Read the text about families in different countries.
Рис. \(1\). Family
The United Kingdom and United States is seeing the decline in population in the last decades. Families are usually nuclear: parents and children, extended family living together is less common. Grandparents usually live separately and visit their children and grandchildren from time to time.
The divorce rate in the UK is high — about \(33\) percent of marriages in the UK end in divorce or separation. This is one of the reasons that a lot of women have become breadwinners just as their husbands. Also there are a lot of single parents who care about their children without a partner. Even if a couple is married, there is always the need to provide for children and often a husband can support the family alone.
Traditional British family model is no longer dominant. The same can be said about a typical American family. Two-parent households are on the decline in the United States as divorce, remarriage and cohabitation are on the rise. The average age of marriage in the US is about \(32\) years. About \(50\) percent of marriages in the US end in divorce and people tend to have fewer children and have children later in life.  

Choose true or false.
  1. The populations of both the United States and Britain is declining. 
2. The divorce rate in the UK is low.
3. About 50 percent of American married couples get divorced.
Рис. 1. Family. Pixabay License CC0. Free for commercial use No attribution required. https://pixabay.com/images/id-2811003/ (Дата обращения 11.10.2021)