PDF chapter test TRY NOW

Listen to the text "Future of Papers". Matt and Rachel discuss if we will have newspapers in the future and what will affect the change.
Write the phrases that you will hear.
1. Matt: That the actual cost, that   they make was through advertisements so I don't see how that's any different than if they just had it online where they would get rid of all those costs of delivery and the paper and the printing and then just still have the same advertisement so I don't understand why they can't make that transition more smoothly.

2. Matt: That's  than a newspaper where you read it and go, "Ooh, where's my encyclopedia?"
3. Rachel: Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, I did a similar thing with a report about Iran, and then looking at people who are campaigning against the government and I was like, "I don't know these people. But who are they?" and there was a link and I could find out about   which was cool.