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The marks obtained by \(30\) students of Class X of a certain school in a Mathematics paper consisting of \(100\) marks are presented in table below. Find the mean of the marks obtained by the students.
Marks obtained (\(x_i\)) \(10\) \(20\) \(36\) \(40\) \(50\) \(56\) \(60\) \(70\) \(72\) \(80\) \(88\) \(92\) \(95\)
Number of students (\(f_i\)) \(1\) \(1\) \(3\) \(4\) \(3\) \(2\) \(4\) \(4\) \(1\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(1\)
The mean of the marks obtained by the students \(=\)