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The number factor is calculated as the quantity that is the accurate divisor of that number.
Annie's uncle gave her \(24\) cupcakes to distribute among her \(6\) friends.
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We have to equally distribute it among \(6\) children. How will she do that?
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\(24\) cupcakes \(÷\) \(6\) children \(=\) \(4\) cupcakes for each child. That is \(24=6×4\).
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Annie can distribute \(4\) cupcakes to each of  her friends.
Now, what if \(2\) more children come to her place.
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How will she distribute the same amount of cupcakes among \(8\) children?
\(24\) cupcakes \(÷\) \(8\) children \(=\) \(3\) cup cakes for each child. That is \(24=8×3\).
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Annie can distribute the \(3\) cupcakes to her friends.
Suppose \(4\) more children visit her place at the same time. Can she distribute \(24\) cupcakes equally among all children?
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Yes, she can!!! \(24\) cupcakes \(÷\) \(12\) children \(=\) \(2\) cupcakes for each child. That is \(24=12×2\).
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Annie can distribute \(2\) cupcakes to each of her friends.
From the above example, we can see that \(24\) is written as a product of two numbers in different ways as 24=6×4;24=8×3;24=12×2.
This means \(2\), \(3\), \(6\), \(8\), and \(12\) are the exact divisor of \(24\). These are known as factors of \(24\).