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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Recalling about fractions Let us recall the concept of fractions.
2. Ratio Let us learn what is ratio.
3. Properties of ratio Let us discuss the properties of ratios.
4. Ratio in simplest form Let us learn to simplify the ratio.
5. Equivalent ratios Introduction to equivalent ratios.
6. Comparison of ratios Learn how to compare the ratios.
7. Check the ratios are equivalent or not Learn the steps to check whether the ratios are equivalent or not.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable ratio 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Practice a problem on finding ratio of numbers.
2. Make the ratio to simplest form 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Transfer the ratio to the smallest form.
3. Find the ratio between two people 2nd type - interpretation easy 2 m. Practice a problem on finding ratio between the quantities.
4. Simplify the ratio 2nd type - interpretation easy 3 m. Apply the concept of ratio and simplify to smallest form.
5. Find the equivalent ratio 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Transfer the ratio to the required equivalent form.
6. Get the equivalent form 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Practice a problem on finding equivalent ratio.
7. Calculate the ratio of age 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Practice how to calculate the ratio of age if two people's age is given.
8. Determine the ratio 2nd type - interpretation easy 2 m. Practice a problem on finding ratio of the given condition.
9. Find the ratio between two shapes 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Practice a problem on finding the ratio between two quantities.
10. Predict the ratio between the quantities 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. Practice a problem on finding ratios.
11. Find the ratio 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Simplify the given quantities in a simpler form.
12. Evaluate the ratio of quantities 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. Practice a problem on finding ratios.
13. Calculate the ratio of vehicles 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Apply the concept of finding the ratio of two quantities and get the terms.
14. Find the equivalent form of ratios 1st type - receptive medium 4 m. Practice a problem on finding equivalent ratio.
15. Complete the table 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Apply the concept of equivalent ratios and complete the table.
16. Determine the lengths of divided parts 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Practice a problem on finding parts with the help of ratio.
17. Make the ratio of amount in a simpler form 3rd type - analysis hard 1 m. Practice a practical problem on converting ratio of two quantities in a simpler form.
18. Reduce the ratio to simpler form 3rd type - analysis hard 4 m. Practice a problem on simplifying the ratio of two quantities.
19. Determine the ratio between two quantities 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. Practice a problem on finding the ratio between two quantities.
20. Solve the puzzle 3rd type - analysis hard 8 m. Go through the picture and find the required ratio.
21. State whether the ratios are equivalent ratios or not 1st type - receptive hard 4 m. Practice how to check the ratios are equivalent ratios or not if two ratios are given.
22. Calculate the equivalent ratio 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. Apply the concept of equivalent ratios and determine its values.
23. Calculate the share of one person from the ratio 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. Practice a problem on finding the value of the share.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Get the simplest form of the ratio Other easy 3 m. Apply the concept of ratio and make the ratio in simplest form.
2. Check the ratios are equivalent or not Other easy 2 m. Use the suitable method to check the ratios are equivalent ratios or not if two ratios are given.
3. Construct the model and find the required ratio Other medium 5 m. Collect the data in your class room and find the ratio of it.
4. Estimate the ratio between the quantities Other medium 3 m. It is required to find the ratio of two quantities.
5. Predict the ratio of two quantities Other medium 4 m. It is required to find the ratio for the given condition.
6. Demonstrate equivalent ratio with the help of rectangle Other medium 5 m. Draw rectangles by taking equivalent ratio of its sides.
7. Divide the number for the ratio Other medium 4 m. It is required to find the values of the ratio from the total value.
8. Calculate the shares Other hard 5 m. Use the concept of ratio to find the amounts which are shared.
9. Determine the quantity of the ingredients with the help of the concept of the ratio Other hard 8 m. Let us solve a day to day life application oriented ratio problem.
10. Find the ratio between two quantities Other hard 5 m. It is required to evaluate the ratio between two quantities.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test 00:15:00 medium 13 m.
2. Training test 00:15:00 medium 14 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 00:20:00 medium 13 m.
2. Homework 00:25:00 hard 13 m.
3. Homework 00:30:00 hard 25 m.
4. Progress test 00:30:00 medium 14 m.
5. Progress test 00:25:00 hard 20 m.
6. Progress test 00:30:00 hard 18 m.