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Data is a collection of numbers gathered to give some information.
  • It could be the marks of students, shopping done in a year, attendance of students, the weight of some individuals, and so on. For example, the marks of students in the class or the number of various goods shopped from the market.
  • The collection, recording, and presentation of data help us organize our experiences and draw inferences from them. Before collecting data, it is important to know for what we would use it. Proper organization of data is very important since it ensures that data is easy to understand and interpret.
Let us look at the common forms of data that you come across:
The temperature of Cities as per \(20.06.2006\)
Max Temperature
Min Temperature
                             Table 1
This table represents the maximum and minimum temperature of the various cities in India for a particular day.
Collecting Data:
The purpose of collecting data is to get hold of information to keep on record and to make decisions about important issues.
Data collection is a process of preparing and collection of data for future use.
Data collection helps your team to assess your process. To do so, you must identify the key quality characteristics you will measure, how you will measure them, and what will you do with the data collected. Thus, before collecting data, we need to know for what we would use it.