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Grade | Solution | The value of the step |
= | \(= 1000\) | |
= | \(= 100\) | |
= | any number in the first degree is equal to itself | \(= 10\) |
= | any number in the zero degree is equal to 1 | \(= 1\) |
= | \(= 0.1\) | |
= | \(= 0.01\) | |
= | \(= 0.001\) |
To record very large or very small numbers, use the normal form.
The normal form of a number is called the multiple of this number:
Note that greater than \(1\) and less than \(10.\)
If the number is greater than or equal to \(10,\) then writes in normal form \(10\) with a positive lever,
for example, blue whale mass is approx \(kg\).
If the number is less than \(1,\) then writes in normal form \(10\) with a negative gain,
for example, the mass of the smallest ants is approx \(0.000001 kg =\) \(kg\).
Remember that an integer is after the last digit.
\(1 = 1.0\ \) | \(300 = 300.0\ \) | \(50,000 = 50,000.0\) |
\(20 = 20.0\) | \(4000 = 4000.0\ \) | \(600,000 = 600,\)\(000.0\) |
When switching from a number to a normal notation (or vice versa), move the period to the right or left in the number and multiply it by \(10\) the appropriate degree.
\(98765 =\) | Period moved \(4\) places to the left. |
\( 12345600 =\) | Period moved \(7\) places to the left. |
If the normal form is to write a number smaller than \(1,\) then move the period to the right.
\(0.012345 =\) | Period moved \(2\) places to the right. |
\(0.00234567 =\) | Period moved \(3\) places to the right. |
\(0.000789 =\) | Period moved \(4\) places to the right. |
Mathematics for 7th grade / Ilze France, Gunta Lace, Ligita Pickaine, Anita Mikelsone. - Lielvarde: Lielvārde, 2007. - 248 pp. - References: 119-120. p.