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Often we meet fractions with denominators of \(10, 100, 1000\), etc.
For example, \(1\) g \(=\) 11000kg, \(1\) mm \(=\) 110 cm, \(4\) cm \(3\) mm \(=\) 4310 cm, etc.
Numbers with denominators of \(10, 100, 1000\), etc., agreed to write down without a denominator.
First, write the integer part, and then the numerator of the fractional part. The whole number part is separated from the fractional part by a point.
For example, instead of 4310, we write \(4.3\) (we read: "\(4\) integers and \(3\) tenths").
Instead 519100 we write \(5.19\) (we read: "\(5\) as a whole and \(19\) hundredths").
Any number whose denominator of the fractional part is expressed as one with one or more zeros can be represented as a decimal fraction. If the fraction is correct, then the digit \(0\) is written before the decimal point.
For example, instead of 21100, we write \(0.21\) (we read: "\(0\) integers and \(21\) hundredths").
After the decimal point, the numerator of the fractional part should have as many digits as there are zeros in the denominator.
Therefore, for example, the number 13100 should be written like this: \(1.03\) (read: "\(1\) whole and \(3\) hundredths").