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Opposite numbers are two numbers whose distance from the origin of the coordinate axis (to zero) is the same but differ by a sign.
Numbers \(1\) and \(-1\) are opposite numbers because they are equidistant from zero (one box or one unit).
These numbers differ by a sign, with only one number to the right of zero (\(1\)) and the other to the left of zero (\(-1\)).
The opposite numbers for \(-2\) is \(2\); \(-3\) is \(3\); \(-4\) is \(4\) and so on.
The number opposite to zero is zero.   
Do not confuse opposite numbers with inverse numbers.
The inverse of a number is called a fraction.
The inverse of ab is ba.
 The inverse of number 23 is 32.
 You can also determine the inverse of a negative number:
To get an inverse number, swap the denominator of the part with the numerator, the sign remains the same.