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1. Number of non-empty relations 1 m.
2. Find the value of F5 1 m.
3. Determine the term 1 m.
4. Find the term to be added 1 m.
5. Determine the square root of the rational expressions 1 m.
6. Calculate the ratio 1 m.
7. Find the length of AE 1 m.
8. Find the value of 'm' 1 m.
9. What is the slope of a line? 1 m.
10. Determine the value of x 1 m.
11. Height and distance 1 m.
12. Calculate the volume of the material 1 m.
13. Ratio of volumes of cylinde, cone and sphere 1 m.
14. Number of tickets bought 1 m.
15. Find AxB 2 m.
16. Factor tree 2 m.
17. Find the other polynomial 2 m.
18. Solve by the method of completing the square 2 m.
19. Find the value of the unknown 2 m.
20. Find the area of the triangle 2 m.
21. Determine the straight line 2 m.
22. Find the length of the string 2 m.
23. Find the total surface area of a cylinder 2 m.
24. The probability of getting a number in die 2 m.
25. Verify the following 5 m.
26. Find the temperature for five days 5 m.
27. Find the time consumed 5 m.
28. Observe the given figure and answer the question 5 m.
29. Is ABCD is a parallelogram? 5 m.
30. Find the distance between two ships 5 m.
31. Find the height of the building 5 m.
32. Calculate the raise of the water 5 m.
33. Calculate the volume of two cylinders and the ratio 5 m.
34. Probability in the deck of cards 5 m.
35. Construction of a triangle 0 m.
36. Graph the equation and state its nature 0 m.