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1. Find the rational form of the number \(0.6666...\)
Rational form \(=\) ii
2. Find the sum in \(n\) terms of the series \(5 + 55 + 555 + …\)
The sum of the series \(=\) iiiiiiii
[Note: Enter the numbers and variables in separate boxes.]
3. Find the least positive integer \(n\) such that \(1 + 6 + 6^2 + … + 6^n > 5000\).
The least positive integer \(=\)
4. A person saved money every year, but only half as much as he could have in the previous year. If he had totally saved \(₹7875\) in \(6\) years, then how much did he save in the first year?
The amount saved in the first year \(=\) \(₹\)