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The function '\(t\)' which maps temperature in Celsius (\(C\)) into temperature in Fahrenheit (\(F\)) is defined by \(t(C) = F\) where \(F = \frac{9}{5}C + 32\). Find:
(i) \(t(0)\) \(=\) \(^\circ F\)
(ii) \(t(28)\) \(=\) \(^\circ F\)
(iii) \(t(-10)\) \(=\) \(^\circ F\)
(iv) the value of \(C\) when \(t(C) = 212\) \(=\) \(^\circ C\)
(v) the temperature when the Celsius value is equal to the Fahrenheit value \(=\) \(^\circ C\)