எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்

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From the top of a lighthouse, the angle of depression of two ships on the opposite sides of it are observed to be \(30^{\circ}\) and \(60^{\circ}\). If the height of the lighthouse is \(h\) meters and the line joining the ships passes through the foot of the lighthouse, show that the distance between the ships is \(\frac{4h}{\sqrt{3}} \ m\).
This is a self-assessment task. Solve this question and assess the solution steps after completing the test on your own.