PDF chapter test TRY NOW
Methodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
Number 1. | Name Introduction - Algebra | Description Learn about the new branch in mathematics. |
Number 2. | Name Patterns | Description Let us learn the patterns in dots and objects. |
Number 3. | Name Patterns using matchsticks/Ice candy sticks | Description Let us learn to create pattern with the help of matchsticks or ice candy sticks. |
Number 4. | Name More about variables | Description Let us see some examples of variables to get the clear idea about variables. |
Number 5. | Name Examples on variables | Description Let us discuss some problems on variables. |
Textbook Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
Number 1. | Name Multiple coice question | Type Other | Difficulty easy | Marks 3 m. | Description This exercise is to test your knowledge about patterns. |
Number 2. | Name Two marks exercise problems I | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 2 m. | Description This exercise is to test your knowledge about patterns in number operations. |
Number 3. | Name Two marks exercise problems II | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 2 m. | Description This exercise is to test your knowledge about operations on variables. |
Number 4. | Name Five marks exercise problems III | Type Other | Difficulty hard | Marks 5 m. | Description This exercise is to test your knowledge about patterns in number operations. |
Number 5. | Name Five marks exercise problems IV | Type Other | Difficulty hard | Marks 5 m. | Description This exercise is to test your knowledge about patterns. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
Number 1. | Name Select the suitable choice | Type Other | Difficulty easy | Marks 3 m. | Description Pick the suitable word from the drop down list. |
Number 2. | Name Form the number | Type Other | Difficulty easy | Marks 2 m. | Description Try to form the number with the help of given variable. |
Number 3. | Name Determine the variable | Type Other | Difficulty easy | Marks 2 m. | Description Test your understanding level on the concep of variable. |
Number 4. | Name Calculate the total number of chocolate | Type Other | Difficulty easy | Marks 4 m. | Description Practice a problem on forming variable. |
Number 5. | Name Say true or false | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 4 m. | Description Find the rule for the provided condition and check whether the given rule is true or false. |
Number 6. | Name Calculate the distance covered | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 4 m. | Description Practice a problem on forming rule for distance covered by the horse. |
Number 7. | Name Estimate the total number of toys can be packed | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 4 m. | Description Apply the concept of assigning the variable for the statement provided. |
Number 8. | Name Calcuate the son's age | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 4 m. | Description Practice a problem on finding rule for age of son. |
Number 9. | Name Write the rule | Type Other | Difficulty hard | Marks 5 m. | Description Practice a problem on finding rule for alphabets. |
Number 10. | Name Find the age | Type Other | Difficulty hard | Marks 5 m. | Description Practice a problem on finding the age after/before some years. |
Number 11. | Name Complete the sequence | Type Other | Difficulty hard | Marks 5 m. | Description Practice a problem on finding next two numbers in the sequence. |
Key Questions for School Exam Preparation
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
Number 1. | Name What will be the length of the side | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 2 m. | Description This exercise is to test your knowledge about operations on variables. |
Number 2. | Name Complete the pattern | Type Other | Difficulty hard | Marks 5 m. | Description This exercise is to test your knowledge about patterns in number operations. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
Number 1. | Name Demonstrate the pattern for the letter 'E' | Type Other | Difficulty easy | Marks 6 m. | Description Create the matchstrick pattern for the letter E and find the general rule. |
Number 2. | Name Design the number | Type Other | Difficulty easy | Marks 2 m. | Description Try to form the number with the help of given variable. |
Number 3. | Name Estimate the total number of boxes | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 4 m. | Description Apply of concept of variable and form the rule for the given condition. |
Number 4. | Name Observe the patterns of squares and write the rule | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 5 m. | Description Look the Ice candy sticks pattern of squares and find the rule that gives the number of matchsticks. |
Number 5. | Name Observe the patterns of pentagon and write the rule | Type Other | Difficulty hard | Marks 5 m. | Description Look the Ice candy sticks pattern of pentagon and find the rule that gives the number of matchsticks. |
Number 6. | Name Patterns in Number Operations | Type Other | Difficulty hard | Marks 1 m. | Description Practice a problem on finding next two numbers in the sequence. |
Number 7. | Name Identify the pattern and solve | Type Other | Difficulty medium | Marks 1 m. | Description Use the pictures and find the required value. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
Number 1. | Name Homework I | Recomended time: 00:15:00 | Difficulty medium | Marks 10 m. | Description |
Number 2. | Name Homework II | Recomended time: 00:10:00 | Difficulty medium | Marks 11 m. | Description |
Number 3. | Name Homework III | Recomended time: 00:10:00 | Difficulty medium | Marks 12 m. | Description |
Number 4. | Name Homework IV | Recomended time: 00:10:00 | Difficulty medium | Marks 11 m. | Description |
Number 5. | Name Revision test I | Recomended time: 00:10:00 | Difficulty medium | Marks 11 m. | Description |
Number 6. | Name Revision test II | Recomended time: 00:10:00 | Difficulty medium | Marks 11 m. | Description |
Number 7. | Name Revision test III | Recomended time: 00:10:00 | Difficulty medium | Marks 15 m. | Description |
Number 8. | Name Revision test IV | Recomended time: 00:10:00 | Difficulty medium | Marks 12 m. | Description |