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So far we have learned how to express the square units. Now, we shall learn the conversion of given square units.
Consider a rectangle of length of \(2\) \(cm\) and breadth \(1\) \(cm\). Find the area of the rectangle and convert its square units to \(mm^{2}\).
The area of the rectangle \(= l \times b\)
\(= 2 \times 1\)
\(= 2 \ sq. \ cm\) or \(2 \ cm^{2}\)
Therefore, the area of the rectangle is \(2 \ cm^{2}\).
Now, let us convert \(cm\) to \(mm\).
We know that \(1 \ cm =\) \(10 \ mm\).
Which implies that the length of the rectangle \(=\) \(2 \ cm\) \(=\) \(2 \times 10 \ mm\) \(=\) \(20 \ mm\)
And the breadth of the rectangle \(=\) \(1 \ cm\) \(=\) \(10 \ mm\).
Thus, the area of the rectangle \(= l \times b\)
\(= 20 \times 10\)
\(= 200 \ mm^2\)
Hence, the area of the rectangle after conversion from \(cm\) to \(mm\) is \(200 \ mm^{2}\).
The conversions can be simply remembered as follows:
  • \(1 \ cm^2\) \(=\) \(10 \ mm\)\(\times\)\(10 \ mm\) \(=\) \(100 \ mm^2\)
  • \(1 \ m^2\) \(=\) \(100 \ cm\)\(\times\)\(100 \ cm\) \(=\) \(10000 \ cm^2\)
  • \(1 \ km^2\) \(=\) \(1000 \ m\)\(\times\)\(1000 \ m\) \(=\) \(1000000 \ m^2\)