எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்

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Let us learn how to find the perimeter and area of the shape after adding a portion to a given shape with an example.
Consider a square whose side length is \(6\) \(cm\). Let us find the area and perimeter of the square.
Area, \(A=s \times s\)
\(A=6 \times 6\)
\(A=36\) \(sq. cm\)
Perimeter, \(P=4s\)
\(P=4\times 6\)
\(P=24\) \(cm\)
Now, let us consider a right-angled triangle of base \(6\) \(cm\) and height \(8\) \(cm\) is attached to a rectangle. Find the perimeter and area of the given shape.
The length of the rectangle \(=9\) \(cm\).
The breadth of the rectangle \(=6\) \(cm\).
The base of the triangle \(=6\) \(cm\).
The height of the triangle \(=8\) \(cm\).
To find the perimeter and the area of the square after adding a portion to the rectangle.
Perimeter of the given shape \(=\) Sum of all measures of outer length
Perimeter \(=(6+9+9+8+10)\) \(cm\)
Perimeter \(=42\) \(cm\)
Therefore, the perimeter of the given shape is \(42\) \(cm\).
Area of the given shape \(=\) Area of the rectangle \(+\) Area of the right triangle
Area \(=(l \times b)\) \(+ \frac{1}{2}(b \times h)\)
Area \(=(9 \times 6) +(\frac{1}{2}(6 \times 8))\)
Area \(=(54)+\) \((\frac{1}{2}\times 48)\)
Area \(=54+24\) \(=78\) \(sq. cm\)
Therefore, the area of the given shape is \(78\) \(sq. \ cm\).
Hence, both the area and the perimeter are increased.