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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction on tetromino - domino and trinomino Learn the basics of tetromino, domino and trinomino with examples.
2. Types of tetrominoes Learn the basic types of tetrominoes and it's various ways of representation with examples.
3. Filling tetromino in rectangular tiles Learn the terminologies, criterias and ways of filling a rectangle with tetrominoes with an example.
4. Properties of tetromino Learn the symmetric and orthogonal properties of tetrominoes.
5. Tetromino and it's rotations Learn the rotational property and alignments of various tetrominoes with examples.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Fill in the blanks Other easy 2 m. Apply the concept of tetromino and answer the questions.
2. Match the following Other easy 4 m. Practice the problem to apply the concept of rotation of tetrominos.
3. Two mark exercise problems Other medium 8 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of tetrominos.
4. Three mark example problems Other medium 0 m. Try to find the tetromino using the given figure.
5. Three mark exercise problems I Other medium 0 m. Practice the problem to fill the grid using the given tetrominoes.
6. Three mark exercise problems II Other medium 0 m. A creative test to fill the numbered tetrominoes in the given grid completely
7. Three mark exercise problems III Other medium 3 m. Practice the problem to fill the grid using the given tetrominoes.
8. Three mark exercise problems IV Other medium 3 m. Practice the problem to fill the grid using the given tetrominos.
9. Three mark exercise problems V Other medium 0 m. A creative test to fill the numbered tetrominoes in the given grid completely
10. Four mark example problems Other hard 4 m. Try to answer the given questions.
11. Four mark exercise problems I Other hard 0 m. Try to fill the grid using the given tetrominoes.
12. Four mark exercise problems II Other hard 0 m. Apply the concept of filling the grid with tetrominoes.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Basics of a tetromino Other easy 2 m. Practice to find the correct statements from the list, which deals with the basics of teterominoes.
2. Identification of various tetrominoes Other easy 3 m. Practice to find the number of different tetrominoes from the different tetromino-filled grids.
3. Symmetrical property of tetromino Other easy 3 m. Analyse the symmetry of the given grid for the mentioned conditions.
4. Number of tetrominoes needed to fill up a grid Other medium 3 m. Apply the basic logic/formulae to find out the number of tetrominoes obtained from the grid.
5. Find the number of tetrominoes Other medium 3 m. Analye the given grid to find the number of tetrominoes present and the cost of the grid design with a basic formulae.
6. Filling tetrominoes in the given design Other hard 3 m. Analyse the given empty grid and fill it up with given tetromino type and find the number of tetrominoes needed and the number of left out squares from it.
7. Identifying the angle of rotation in the given tetrominoes Other hard 3 m. Analyse and compare the various tetrominoes given and find the degree of rotational shift between the two tetrominoes.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Fill in the grids Other medium 2 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of tetrominos.
2. Find the number of tetrominoes and the cost Other hard 4 m. Try to answer the given questions.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Fill up the given grid with tetrominoes Other medium 2 m. A creative test to fill up the given grid with various types of tetrominoes.
2. Fill up the given grid with numbered tetrominoes Other medium 2 m. A creative test to fill the numbered tetrominoes in the given grid completely
3. Explain the given properties of tetrominoes by short notes Other hard 3 m. A test to explain the basic tetromino properties and it's conditions.
4. Fill the given grid with the two tetrominoes by following the conditions given Other hard 3 m. A creative test to analyse the given grid and fill it up with the two tetrominoes by following the given condition.
5. Fill the given uneven grid with the tetrominoes Other hard 4 m. A creative test to analyse the given uneven grid and fill it up with as least tetrominoes as possible.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:15:00 easy 6 m.
2. Homework II 00:15:00 easy 7 m.
3. Homework III 00:20:00 medium 8 m.
4. Homework IV 00:20:00 medium 8 m.
5. Revision test I 00:25:00 medium 8 m.
6. Revision test II 00:25:00 hard 9 m.
7. Revision test III 00:25:00 hard 9 m.
8. Revision test IV 00:25:00 hard 9 m.