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Learn moreMethodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
1. | Introduction on tetromino - domino and trinomino | Learn the basics of tetromino, domino and trinomino with examples. |
2. | Types of tetrominoes | Learn the basic types of tetrominoes and it's various ways of representation with examples. |
3. | Filling tetromino in rectangular tiles | Learn the terminologies, criterias and ways of filling a rectangle with tetrominoes with an example. |
4. | Properties of tetromino | Learn the symmetric and orthogonal properties of tetrominoes. |
5. | Tetromino and it's rotations | Learn the rotational property and alignments of various tetrominoes with examples. |
Textbook Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Fill in the blanks | Other | easy | 2 m. | Apply the concept of tetromino and answer the questions. |
2. | Match the following | Other | easy | 4 m. | Practice the problem to apply the concept of rotation of tetrominos. |
3. | Two mark exercise problems | Other | medium | 8 m. | Check your understanding skills in the concept of tetrominos. |
4. | Three mark example problems | Other | medium | 0 m. | Try to find the tetromino using the given figure. |
5. | Three mark exercise problems I | Other | medium | 0 m. | Practice the problem to fill the grid using the given tetrominoes. |
6. | Three mark exercise problems II | Other | medium | 0 m. | A creative test to fill the numbered tetrominoes in the given grid completely |
7. | Three mark exercise problems III | Other | medium | 3 m. | Practice the problem to fill the grid using the given tetrominoes. |
8. | Three mark exercise problems IV | Other | medium | 3 m. | Practice the problem to fill the grid using the given tetrominos. |
9. | Three mark exercise problems V | Other | medium | 0 m. | A creative test to fill the numbered tetrominoes in the given grid completely |
10. | Four mark example problems | Other | hard | 4 m. | Try to answer the given questions. |
11. | Four mark exercise problems I | Other | hard | 0 m. | Try to fill the grid using the given tetrominoes. |
12. | Four mark exercise problems II | Other | hard | 0 m. | Apply the concept of filling the grid with tetrominoes. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Basics of a tetromino | Other | easy | 2 m. | Practice to find the correct statements from the list, which deals with the basics of teterominoes. |
2. | Identification of various tetrominoes | Other | easy | 3 m. | Practice to find the number of different tetrominoes from the different tetromino-filled grids. |
3. | Symmetrical property of tetromino | Other | easy | 3 m. | Analyse the symmetry of the given grid for the mentioned conditions. |
4. | Number of tetrominoes needed to fill up a grid | Other | medium | 3 m. | Apply the basic logic/formulae to find out the number of tetrominoes obtained from the grid. |
5. | Find the number of tetrominoes | Other | medium | 3 m. | Analye the given grid to find the number of tetrominoes present and the cost of the grid design with a basic formulae. |
6. | Filling tetrominoes in the given design | Other | hard | 3 m. | Analyse the given empty grid and fill it up with given tetromino type and find the number of tetrominoes needed and the number of left out squares from it. |
7. | Identifying the angle of rotation in the given tetrominoes | Other | hard | 3 m. | Analyse and compare the various tetrominoes given and find the degree of rotational shift between the two tetrominoes. |
Key Questions for School Exam Preparation
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Fill in the grids | Other | medium | 2 m. | Check your understanding skills in the concept of tetrominos. |
2. | Find the number of tetrominoes and the cost | Other | hard | 4 m. | Try to answer the given questions. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Fill up the given grid with tetrominoes | Other | medium | 2 m. | A creative test to fill up the given grid with various types of tetrominoes. |
2. | Fill up the given grid with numbered tetrominoes | Other | medium | 2 m. | A creative test to fill the numbered tetrominoes in the given grid completely |
3. | Explain the given properties of tetrominoes by short notes | Other | hard | 3 m. | A test to explain the basic tetromino properties and it's conditions. |
4. | Fill the given grid with the two tetrominoes by following the conditions given | Other | hard | 3 m. | A creative test to analyse the given grid and fill it up with the two tetrominoes by following the given condition. |
5. | Fill the given uneven grid with the tetrominoes | Other | hard | 4 m. | A creative test to analyse the given uneven grid and fill it up with as least tetrominoes as possible. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Homework I | 00:15:00 | easy | 6 m. | |
2. | Homework II | 00:15:00 | easy | 7 m. | |
3. | Homework III | 00:20:00 | medium | 8 m. | |
4. | Homework IV | 00:20:00 | medium | 8 m. | |
5. | Revision test I | 00:25:00 | medium | 8 m. | |
6. | Revision test II | 00:25:00 | hard | 9 m. | |
7. | Revision test III | 00:25:00 | hard | 9 m. | |
8. | Revision test IV | 00:25:00 | hard | 9 m. |