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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Recall: Profit and loss Explained key concepts of profit and loss.
2. Formula for profit and loss Explained about formula for profit and loss.
3. Introduction to discounts Explained about discounts and it's necessary theory.
4. Introduction to GST Learn the concept of GST.
5. Introduction to overhead expenses and successive discounts Learn the concept of overhead expenses and successive discounts.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Fill in the blanks I Other medium 3 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about profit or loss.
2. Fill in the blanks II Other medium 2 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about profit or loss.
3. Multiple choice question I Other medium 2 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about profit or loss.
4. Multiple choice question II Other medium 2 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about marked price and selling price.
5. Multiple choice question III Other medium 1 m. Application problem of percentage in real life situation.
6. Two marks example problems I Other medium 4 m. Find the gain or loss percentage in the problem based on real life situation.
7. Two marks example problems II Other medium 4 m. Find the gain or loss percentage in the problem based on real life situation.
8. Two marks example problems III Other medium 4 m. Calculate the marked price and GST for the given problems.
9. Two marks exercise problems I Other medium 4 m. Find the cost price of the article.
10. Two marks exercise problems II Other medium 2 m. Find the profit percentage of the given problem.
11. Two marks exercise problems III Other medium 6 m. Find the marked price, selling price and discount of the given information.
12. Five marks example problems IV Other medium 5 m. Calculate the single discount in percentage for the given information.
13. Five marks exercise problems V Other medium 5 m. Calculate the total bill amount for the given data.
14. Five marks exercise problems VI Other medium 5 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about profit or loss.
15. Five marks exercise problems VII Other medium 5 m. Calculate the gain percentage of the given article.
16. Five marks exercise problems VIII Other medium 5 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about profit or loss.
17. Five marks exercise problems IX Other medium 5 m. Application problem of percentage in real life situation.
18. Five marks exercise problems X Other medium 5 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about marked price and selling price.
19. Five marks exercise problems Other medium 1 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about profit and loss.
20. Five marks exercise problems Other medium 1 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge about profit and loss.
21. Five marks exercise problems Other medium 1 m. This exercise is to check your understanding about marked price and discount.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Determine the loss or profit Other easy 3 m. Practise to calculate the loss or profit if selling price and cost price values are known.
2. Determine the cost price of the product Other easy 3 m. Find out the cost price of the product if loss percentage and selling price is given.
3. Find out the selling price of the product Other medium 4 m. Find out the selling price of the product if the product is discounted at certain percentage.
4. Find out the profit percentage of the product Other medium 5 m. Find out the profit percentage of the product if SP and CP given with overhead expenses.
5. Determine the selling price of the product Other medium 5 m. Determine the selling price of that product profit percentage and profit values are known.
6. Calculate gain or loss percentage of whole transaction Other hard 6 m. Calculate gain or loss percentage of whole transtaction if SP and CP value of two transactions is given.
7. Find the amount to be paid by the customer Other hard 5 m. If two successsive discounts are given to product, find out the amount to be paid by the customer.
8. Answer the questions Other hard 3 m. Calculate the Marked price, Discount% and selling price of the given data.
9. Determine the total bill of the goods Other hard 5 m. Practice to determine the total bill of the goods.
10. Find out the discount of the article Other hard 4 m. Find out the discount of the article if two successive discount values are givcen.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find out the cost price of the product Other easy 3 m. Find out the cost price of the product if profit percentage and selling price is given.
2. Calculate the amount paid for GST Other easy 2 m. Calculate the amount paid for GST total bill amount is given.
3. Calculate the percenatge of the discount Other easy 2 m. Calculate the percenatge of the discount if the marked prce is given.
4. Calculate the selling price of the product Other medium 5 m. Calculate the selling price of the product if profit perentage is given.
5. Find out the cost price of the product Other easy 3 m. Practice to find out the cost price of the product if selling price and profit amount values are known.
6. Calculate the rate of discount Other easy 3 m. Calculate the rate of discount if marked price and discounted price is given.
7. Find out gain percentage of the product Other easy 3 m. Find out gain percentage of the product if rate of products is given.
8. Find out the loss percentage of the product Other medium 5 m. Find out the loss percentage of the product if SP and CP given with Overhead Expenses.
9. Find out the selling price of the product Other medium 5 m. Determine the selling price of that product loss percentage and loss values are known.
10. Cost price Other medium 2 m. Find the cost price of the article.
11. Profit percentage of the product Other medium 2 m. Find out the profit percentage of the product if SP and CP given with overhead expenses.
12. Amount paid for GST Other easy 2 m. Calculate the amount paid for GST total bill amount is given.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:15:00 easy 6 m.
2. Homework II 00:20:00 medium 12 m.
3. Homework III 00:20:00 medium 11 m.
4. Homework IV 00:20:00 medium 20 m.
5. Homework V 00:00:00 hard 12 m.
6. Homework VI 00:20:00 hard 14 m.
7. Revision test I 00:20:00 hard 17 m.
8. Revision test II 00:20:00 hard 18 m.
9. Revision test III 00:20:00 hard 11 m.
10. Revision test IV 00:20:00 hard 20 m.
11. Periodic assessment 00:10:00 medium 6 m. PA 1 - Applications of percentage in problems