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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction to 3D shapes Learn the shape of a 3D with a 2D shape.
2. Introduction to vertex, edge, face Learn the parts of 3D shapes like vertex, edge and face with an example.
3. Face, Edges and vertices of 3D shapes Learn to find the number of faces, vetrices, and edges for any 3D shapes.
4. Nets for making a 3D shapes Learn the concept of nets and how to convert 2D nets to 3D with some examples.
5. Euler's formula Comprehending the 3D form using the Euler formula with the help of its faces, vertices and edges.
6. Cross section of 3D shapes Begin to understand the cross section of 3D shape.
7. Side view, top view and front view of 3D shapes Learn the different views of 3d objects.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. One mark exercise problems I Other easy 7 m. Try to fill in the blank spaces with correct answers.
2. One mark exercise problems II Other easy 4 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of 3D shapes.
3. Two mark exercise problems I Other medium 10 m. Try to identify the given 3D shape.
4. Two mark exercise problems II Other medium 4 m. Practice a problem to find the top, side and front views of the figure.
5. Two mark exercise problems III Other medium 2 m. Practice a problem to find the top, side and front views of the figure.
6. Two mark exercise problems IV Other medium 10 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of Euler's formula.
7. Two mark exercise problems V Other medium 4 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of 3D shapes.
8. Two mark exercise problems VI Other medium 6 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of Euler's formula.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Choose the image corresponding to the front view Other easy 2 m. Practise to identify the front view of the blocks.
2. Choose the image corresponding to the side view Other easy 2 m. Practise to identify the side view of the blocks.
3. Fill in the suitable choices Other medium 3 m. Try the concept of 3d shape by understanding the following question.
4. Choose the 3D shape using the given 2D net Other medium 2 m. To select the correct 3D shape with the given 2D shape net.
5. Verify the Euler's formula Other medium 2 m. Test to check for the vertices, edges and faces of the Euler's formula.
6. Using Euler's formula, find the unknowns Other hard 2 m. Practise the formula of Euler to find faces, vertices and edges that are unknown.
7. Identify the 2D cross section using the 3D shape Other hard 4 m. Choose the 2D shape formed on the cross section of the 3D shape.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Identify the Top, Front and Side views of the figure Other easy 2 m. Practice a problem to find the top, side and front views of the figure.
2. Verify Euler's formula Other medium 2 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of Euler's formula.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Choose the image corresponding to the top view Other medium 2 m. Identify the top view of the blocks in question.
2. Answer the 3d shapes questions Other medium 5 m. Try the concept of 3d shape by understanding the following question.
3. Draw a net of the cube using the given measurement and also determine its area Other medium 5 m. Try to draw a cube net using the given measurement and find the area as well.
4. Draw a objects using the 3D shapes Other hard 5 m. Imagine an objects in a 3d view and then try to draw the object and upload it.
5. Euler's formula Other medium 2 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of Euler's formula.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:15:00 easy 8 m.
2. Homework II 00:15:00 easy 8 m.
3. Homework III 00:20:00 medium 12 m.
4. Revision test I 00:25:00 medium 14 m.
5. Revision test II 00:25:00 hard 16 m.
6. Revision test III 00:25:00 hard 27 m.
7. Periodic assessment 00:10:00 medium 2 m. PA 1 - 3D shape
8. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 8 m. PA 1 - Measurement (Complete chapter)