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Learn moreMethodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
1. | Introduction to 3D shapes | Learn the shape of a 3D with a 2D shape. |
2. | Introduction to vertex, edge, face | Learn the parts of 3D shapes like vertex, edge and face with an example. |
3. | Face, Edges and vertices of 3D shapes | Learn to find the number of faces, vetrices, and edges for any 3D shapes. |
4. | Nets for making a 3D shapes | Learn the concept of nets and how to convert 2D nets to 3D with some examples. |
5. | Euler's formula | Comprehending the 3D form using the Euler formula with the help of its faces, vertices and edges. |
6. | Cross section of 3D shapes | Begin to understand the cross section of 3D shape. |
7. | Side view, top view and front view of 3D shapes | Learn the different views of 3d objects. |
Textbook Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | One mark exercise problems I | Other | easy | 7 m. | Try to fill in the blank spaces with correct answers. |
2. | One mark exercise problems II | Other | easy | 4 m. | Check your understanding skills in the concept of 3D shapes. |
3. | Two mark exercise problems I | Other | medium | 10 m. | Try to identify the given 3D shape. |
4. | Two mark exercise problems II | Other | medium | 4 m. | Practice a problem to find the top, side and front views of the figure. |
5. | Two mark exercise problems III | Other | medium | 2 m. | Practice a problem to find the top, side and front views of the figure. |
6. | Two mark exercise problems IV | Other | medium | 10 m. | Check your understanding skills in the concept of Euler's formula. |
7. | Two mark exercise problems V | Other | medium | 4 m. | Check your understanding skills in the concept of 3D shapes. |
8. | Two mark exercise problems VI | Other | medium | 6 m. | Check your understanding skills in the concept of Euler's formula. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Choose the image corresponding to the front view | Other | easy | 2 m. | Practise to identify the front view of the blocks. |
2. | Choose the image corresponding to the side view | Other | easy | 2 m. | Practise to identify the side view of the blocks. |
3. | Fill in the suitable choices | Other | medium | 3 m. | Try the concept of 3d shape by understanding the following question. |
4. | Choose the 3D shape using the given 2D net | Other | medium | 2 m. | To select the correct 3D shape with the given 2D shape net. |
5. | Verify the Euler's formula | Other | medium | 2 m. | Test to check for the vertices, edges and faces of the Euler's formula. |
6. | Using Euler's formula, find the unknowns | Other | hard | 2 m. | Practise the formula of Euler to find faces, vertices and edges that are unknown. |
7. | Identify the 2D cross section using the 3D shape | Other | hard | 4 m. | Choose the 2D shape formed on the cross section of the 3D shape. |
Key Questions for School Exam Preparation
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Identify the Top, Front and Side views of the figure | Other | easy | 2 m. | Practice a problem to find the top, side and front views of the figure. |
2. | Verify Euler's formula | Other | medium | 2 m. | Check your understanding skills in the concept of Euler's formula. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Choose the image corresponding to the top view | Other | medium | 2 m. | Identify the top view of the blocks in question. |
2. | Answer the 3d shapes questions | Other | medium | 5 m. | Try the concept of 3d shape by understanding the following question. |
3. | Draw a net of the cube using the given measurement and also determine its area | Other | medium | 5 m. | Try to draw a cube net using the given measurement and find the area as well. |
4. | Draw a objects using the 3D shapes | Other | hard | 5 m. | Imagine an objects in a 3d view and then try to draw the object and upload it. |
5. | Euler's formula | Other | medium | 2 m. | Check your understanding skills in the concept of Euler's formula. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Homework I | 00:15:00 | easy | 8 m. | |
2. | Homework II | 00:15:00 | easy | 8 m. | |
3. | Homework III | 00:20:00 | medium | 12 m. | |
4. | Revision test I | 00:25:00 | medium | 14 m. | |
5. | Revision test II | 00:25:00 | hard | 16 m. | |
6. | Revision test III | 00:25:00 | hard | 27 m. | |
7. | Periodic assessment | 00:10:00 | medium | 2 m. | PA 1 - 3D shape |
8. | Periodic Assessment | 00:10:00 | medium | 8 m. | PA 1 - Measurement (Complete chapter) |