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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Addition of various digits Addition of Rational numbers.
2. Subtraction of Rational numbers Learn how to find the difference between two Rational Numbers.
3. Multiplication of Rational numbers Learn how to Multiply the rational numbers.
4. Division of rational numbers Finding the division of two rational numbers.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Multiple choice question I Other easy 2 m. To test the knowledge in basic operations of rational numbers.
2. Multiple choice question II Other easy 3 m. To test the knowledge in basic operations of rational numbers.
3. Fill in the blanks Other easy 5 m. To test the knowledge in basic operations of rational numbers.
4. Say true or false Other easy 5 m. To test your knowledge in basic operations of rational numbers.
5. Two marks example problems I Other medium 4 m. In this exercise, find the addition of two rational numbers.
6. Two marks example problems II Other medium 4 m. In this exercise, find the subtraction of two rational numbers.
7. Two marks example problems III Other medium 6 m. In this exercise, multiply and divide the rational numbers.
8. Two marks example problems IV Other medium 4 m. Find the missing rational numbers using the basic operations.
9. Two marks exercise problems I Other medium 4 m. Determine the sum of the two rational numbers.
10. Two marks exercise problems II Other medium 4 m. Find the sum of the two rational numbers.
11. Two marks exercise problems III Other medium 4 m. Find the difference and product of two rational numbers.
12. Two marks exercise problems IV Other medium 4 m. Find the simplified fractions of two rational numbers using basic operations.
13. Two marks exercise problems V Other medium 4 m. In this exercise, divide two rational numbers.
14. Five marks example problems V Other hard 5 m. Determine the length of the ribbon using the basic operations of rational numbers.
15. Five marks example problems VI Other hard 5 m. Find the missing rational numbers using the basic operations.
16. Five marks example problems VII Other hard 5 m. Find the missing rational numbers using the basic operations.
17. Five marks example problems VIII Other hard 5 m. Determine the simplified rational numbers using the basic operations.
18. Five marks exercise problems VI Other hard 10 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in basic operations of rational numbers.
19. Five marks exercise problems VII Other hard 5 m. Simplify the given rational number using the basic operations of rational numbers.
20. Five marks exercise problems VIII Other hard 5 m. Determine the simplified fraction using basic iperations of rational numbers.
21. Five marks exercise problems IX Other hard 5 m. Determine the simplified fraction using basic operations of rational numbers.
22. Five marks exercise problems X Other hard 5 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in basic operations of rational numbers.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Addition with same denominator Other easy 2 m. Practise to add two rational numbers.
2. The sum of the negative fraction if the denominators are the same Other easy 3 m. Practise to do the addition of rational numbers.
3. Divide a fraction by integer Other easy 2 m. Practise to do a division of given numbers with different sign.
4. Multiplication of a rational number Other medium 4 m. Practise to a multiplication of a rational number by a positive or negative integer.
5. The sum of negative mixed numbers Other medium 4 m. Practise to do the sum of negative mixed numbers of both denominators contain the same multiplier but with different denominators.
6. Find the required number Other medium 4 m. Practise to do the subtraction of rational numbers.
7. Multiplication of a mixed number Other medium 2.5 m. Practise to do a multiplication by both Negative or one multipliers.
8. Divide and multiply Other medium 3 m. Practice to Divide and multiply the given numbers.
9. Multiplication of two fractions Other medium 2 m. Practise to do a multiplication with the same and different signs.
10. Calculate the required number Other medium 4 m. Practise to do the subtraction of rational numbers.
11. Negative value added to the real rational number Other medium 4 m. Practise to do the addition of rational numbers with negative number.
12. Multiplication of three rational numbers Other medium 3 m. Practise the multiplication of three rational numbers with at least one part is negative.
13. Divide a mixed number by a positive or negative integer Other medium 3 m. Practise to divide a mixed number by a positive or negative integer by converting the mixed number to a fraction.
14. Subtract the negative part from the fraction Other medium 2 m. Practise to subtract the negative part from the fraction with different denominators.
15. Divide the mixed number Other medium 3 m. Practise the division of mixed fractions by integers.
16. Division and multiplication of rational numbers(text format) Other medium 2 m. Practise how to use the division and multiplication in day-to-day life.
17. Divide an integer by a real fraction Other medium 2 m. Practise the division with one or both Negative numbers and reduced to an integer.
18. Road, speed, time (rational numbers) Other hard 5 m. Practise how to find the distance travelled by a car.
19. Calculate the unknown additive from the sum Other hard 5 m. Practise to solve the rational equation and find the unknown value.
20. Mixed number and integer (negative numbers) Other hard 4 m. Practise to calculate of the value of a rational expression by division of a mixed number by an integer.
21. Rational expression (difference) Other hard 6 m. Calculation of the expression value, actions with decimal fractions.
22. Rational expression substitution Other hard 7 m. Calculation of the expression value, actions with rational numbers, negative and positive numbers.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Detemine the missing number Other medium 2 m. Find the missing rational numbers using the basic operations.
2. Simplify the expression Other hard 5 m. Determine the simplified rational numbers using the basic operations.
3. Find the original number Other hard 5 m. This exercise is to check your knowledge in basic operations of rational numbers.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Determine the required number Other medium 4 m. Practise to do basic subtraction of rational numbers.
2. Addition of negative rational number Other medium 3 m. Practise to add a rational number and an integer.
3. Divide a fraction by an integer positive or negative Other medium 3 m. Negative divisor, Shortening by multiplication.
4. Finding the difference of the rational numbers Other medium 3 m. Common factor of the denominator up to 60.
5. Check whether correct or not Other medium 2 m. Division of Rational numbers, choose the correct answer.
6. Divide the rational numbers Other medium 2 m. In this exercise, multiply and divide the rational numbers.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:15:00 medium 16 m.
2. Homework II 00:20:00 medium 16 m.
3. Homework III 00:20:00 medium 18 m.
4. Homework IV 00:20:00 medium 17.5 m.
5. Homework V 00:20:00 medium 19 m.
6. Homework VI 00:20:00 medium 16 m.
7. Homework VII 00:20:00 medium 18 m.
8. Revision test I 00:20:00 medium 17 m.
9. Revision test II 00:20:00 medium 15 m.
10. Revision test III 00:20:00 medium 15 m.
11. Revision test IV 00:20:00 medium 9 m.
12. Revision test V 00:20:00 medium 13 m.
13. Revision test VI 00:20:00 medium 10 m.
14. Periodic assessment 00:10:00 medium 2 m.