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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction to value and zero of a polynomial Learn the zero of a polynomial.
2. Mind map Let us look at the mind map of the values and zeros of a polynomial.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Multiple choice question Other easy 3 m. Select the suitable choice for the given questions.
2. Two mark example problems - I Other easy 4 m. Practice a problem to find the zeros of the polynomial.
3. Two mark example problems - II Other easy 6 m. Try to answer the given questions.
4. Two mark exercise problems - I Other easy 6 m. Practice a problem to find the value of the polynomial.
5. Two mark exercise problems - II Other medium 9 m. Try to answer the given questions.
6. Two mark exercise problems - III Other medium 8 m. Check whether the given roots are zeros of the polynomials.
7. Two mark exercise problems - IV Other medium 10 m. Try to find the number of zeros using the graph.
8. Two mark exercise problems - V Other medium 12 m. Practice a problem to find the zeros of the polynomial.
9. Five mark example problem Other medium 5 m. Check your understanding skills in the concept of finding the values and zeros of the polynomial.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Determine the value of polynomial Other easy 2 m. Use the polynomial equation to find the value of the polynomial.
2. Verify the polynomial are zeros or not Other easy 2 m. Check whether the given values are zeros of the polynomials or not.
3. Find the zero of the polynomial Other easy 2 m. Seek to find the polynomial's zero.
4. Find the root of polynomial equation Other easy 2 m. Practice to find the root of the polynomial equation.
5. Determine the number of zeros Other medium 2 m. Practice to find the number of zeros of the straight line given.
6. Evaluate the polynomial value Other medium 2 m. Try assessing the polynomial value using the given value.
7. Calculate the zero of a polynomial Other medium 2 m. Try calculating the zeros of a polynomial with the help of its formula.
8. Find the value of polynomial Other medium 2 m. Use the equation to experience the polynomial value.
9. Evaluate whether the given polynomial are zero of the polynomial Other medium 4 m. Assess if the polynomial is zero of the polynomial.
10. Identify the value of zero of the polynomial Other hard 4 m. Strive to identify the zero of the given polynomials.
11. Verify there are zeros of the polynomial Other hard 4 m. Check the given values are zeros of the polynomial or not.
12. Find the number of zeros of the given polynomial represented by the graph Other hard 5 m. Practice to find the number of zeros of the polynomial in the given graph.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find the value Other easy 2 m. Practice a problem to find the value of the polynomial.
2. Determine the root Other easy 2 m. Try to find the root of the polynomial.
3. Verify the values are zeros of the polynomial Other medium 2 m. Check whether the given roots are zeros of the polynomials.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Determine the zero of the polynomial Other medium 2 m. Apply the suitable formula to find the zero of the polynomial.
2. Find the zero of the polynomial for the general form Other medium 2 m. Use the suitable formula to find the zero of a polynomial of general form.
3. Verify the given values are zero of the polynomial or not Other medium 4 m. Try to check that the values are zeroes of the polynomial or not.
4. Identify the number of zeros of the given polynomial represented by graph Other hard 5 m. Practice to find the number of zeros of the polynomial in the given graph.
5. Find the polynomial values Other hard 6 m. Task is to find the polynomial values for the given variable values.
6. Consider the value of polynomial Other hard 6 m. Attempt to take into consideration the polynomial value.
7. Root of the equation Other easy 2 m. Try to answer the given questions.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:15:00 easy 10 m.
2. Homework II 00:15:00 easy 10 m.
3. Homework III 00:20:00 medium 13 m.
4. Homework IV 00:20:00 medium 16 m.
5. Revision test I 00:25:00 medium 21 m.
6. Revision test II 00:30:00 hard 26 m.
7. Revision test III 00:40:00 hard 32 m.
8. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 2 m. PA 1 - Value and zeroes of a Polynomial