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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Description of sets Let us learn what is set.
2. Symbols used Let us learn the symbols used in set theory.
3. Representation of a set Learn to represent sets in different ways.
4. Summary of notations Go through the notations used in set language.
5. Mind Map Mind map of a representation of sets.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Multiple choice question Other easy 1 m. Choose the best answer using sets.
2. Two marks example problems Other medium 7 m. Try to find the answers using set notations.
3. Two marks exercise problems I Other medium 8 m. In this exercise, answer the questions using the given sets.
4. Two marks exercise problems II Other medium 10 m. In this exercise, answer the questions using the given sets.
5. Two marks exercise problems III Other medium 8 m. In this exercise, answer the questions using the given sets.
6. Two marks exercise problems IV Other medium 0 m. In this exercise, answer the questions using the given sets.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Select the number belongs to the set Other easy 3 m. From the list of choices, select the number that satisfies the condition.
2. Choose the group that forms set Other easy 3 m. Think about the provided group and confirm which of the them forms set.
3. Select the vehicle belongs to set Other easy 3 m. Practice problem on finding the elements belongs to set.
4. Transform the words to Roster form Other medium 4 m. Practice problem on expressing the descriptive form to roster form.
5. Select the suitable symbols for the provided elements Other medium 4 m. Practice problem on finding the element belongs to the sets provided.
6. Descriptive to roster form Other medium 5 m. Switch the set builder form of sets to roster form.
7. Sets into set builder form Other hard 2 m. Convert the descriptive form of sets to set builder form.
8. Transfer descriptive to roster form Other hard 6 m. Switch the descriptive form of sets to roster form.
9. Modify set builder to roster form Other hard 6 m. Practice problem on converting the set builder form of sets to roster form.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Express in Roster Form Other medium 2 m. Try to find the answers using set notations.
2. Answer the questions using the given sets Other medium 10 m. In this exercise, answer the questions using the given sets.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Collect the set of elements and express the set in roster form Other easy 0 m. Use the concept of set theory to express the names in roster form.
2. Pick the suitable set for the provided elements Other easy 3 m. Practice problem on finding the element belongs to the sets provided.
3. Transform Descriptive form to roster form of set Other medium 4 m. Apply the concept of set theory, transform the descriptive form of set to roster form.
4. Modify the set builder form of set to descriptive form Other medium 4 m. Practice a problem on converting set builder form of set to descriptive form.
5. Convert descriptive and set builder form of sets to roster form Other hard 5 m. Practice problem on converting descriptive form, set builder forms of sets to roster form.
6. Represent the sets into set builder form Other hard 3 m. Convert the descriptive form of sets to set builder form.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:15:00 medium 25 m.
2. Homework II 00:15:00 medium 5 m.
3. Homework III 00:15:00 medium 17 m.
4. Homework IV 00:15:00 hard 7 m.
5. Revision test I 00:15:00 medium 12 m.
6. Revision test II 00:15:00 medium 19 m.
7. Revision test III 00:15:00 medium 24 m.