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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Sets and its types Recalling about definition of sets.
2. Empty and singleton sets Learn what is empty and singleton set.
3. Cardinality of sets Let us discuss about the number of elements in the sets.
4. Equivalent and equal sets Understand the difference between equivalent and equal sets.
5. Subsets Let us learn to find the possible subsets of a set.
6. Proper subsets Understand the concept of proper subset of a set.
7. Subsets of set of numbers Let us discuss the subsets in number system.
8. Power sets Let us learn what is power set of a set.
9. Mind map Mind map of a representation of sets.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Multiple choice question Other easy 4 m. Exercise on choosing the right answer to questions about the types of sets.
2. Two marks example problems I Other medium 6 m. Answer the problems using the properties of sets.
3. Two marks example problems II Other medium 4 m. Answer the problems using the properties of sets.
4. Two marks exercise problems I Other medium 3.5 m. Answer the problems using the properties of sets.
5. Two marks exercise problems II Other medium 2 m. Answer the problems using the properties of sets.
6. Two marks exercise problems III Other medium 4 m. Answer the given questions using properties and types of sets.
7. Two marks exercise problems IV Other medium 4 m. Answer the given questions using properties and types of sets.
8. Two marks exercise problems V Other medium 2 m. Answer the given questions using properties and types of sets.
9. Two marks exercise problems VI Other medium 4.5 m. Answer the given questions using properties and types of sets.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Choose the appropriate definition Other easy 3 m. Check your understanding level by selecting the suitable wordings.
2. Express the set of elements Other easy 2 m. Apply the concept of sets and express the elements presents.
3. Find the set and determine its name Other easy 3 m. Apply the concept of sets and express the elements presents.
4. Calculate the cardinal number of the set Other easy 3 m. Practice a problem on finding the cardinal number of the set.
5. Check equivalent or equal set Other easy 4 m. Practice a problem on finding the sets are equal or equivalent or neither of it.
6. Examine true or false Other easy 3 m. Practice a problem on checking the given set is a subset or not.
7. Express it in power set Other easy 2 m. Practice a probelm on expressing the set into power set.
8. Examine the statement Other medium 4 m. Examine the given statement and apply the property of subsets to find the number elements in the power set.
9. Select all the set/sets that contains the given set. Other medium 5 m. Check your understanding level by selecting the suitable wordings.
10. Identify the finite set Other medium 4 m. Practice a problem on finding the finite set from the list of set.
11. Identify the infinite set Other medium 4 m. Practice a problem on finding the infinite set from the list of set.
12. Evaluate the equal set elements Other medium 4 m. Applying the concept of equal sets, determine the required set.
13. Determine the cardinal number of the set Other medium 4 m. Practice a problem on finding the cardinal number of the set given.
14. Write all the subsets Other hard 10 m. Practice a problem on finding the subset of the sets.
15. Find the power sets Other hard 6 m. Practice a problem on forming the power set.
16. Determine the cardinal number of sets, number of subsets and number of proper subsets Other hard 5 m. Use to formula to find the cardinal number, number of subsets and number of proper subsets.
17. Determine the number of element in the power set and number of elements in a set Other hard 5 m. Practice a problem on finding the number of elements in the power set and number of elements in a set.

Key Questions for School Exam Preparation

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Determine the cardinal number of the sets Other medium 3.5 m. Answer the problems using the properties of sets.
2. Equivalent or unequal or equal sets Other medium 2 m. Answer the given questions using properties and types of sets.
3. Determine the power set of the given set Other medium 2 m. Answer the given questions using properties and types of sets.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find the favourite animal Other easy 0 m. Try to convert the collection of items in the pictorial form.
2. Select the suitable symbol Other easy 3 m. Apply the concept of subset of set and fill in the suitable symbols.
3. Predict the cardinal number Other medium 4 m. Convert the provided set in roaster form and find the cardinal number.
4. Calculate the equal set elements Other medium 4 m. Practice a problem on equal sets.
5. Find the number of subsets and number of power sets Other hard 4 m. Apply the formula for find the number of subsets and number of elements in the power set of the given set and find the respective value.
6. Number of subsets Other medium 2 m. Answer the given questions using properties and types of sets.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:20:00 medium 14 m.
2. Homework II 00:20:00 medium 11 m.
3. Homework III 00:20:00 medium 9.5 m.
4. Homework IV 00:20:00 hard 9 m.
5. Homework V 00:20:00 medium 17 m.
6. Homework VI 00:20:00 medium 10 m.
7. Revision test I 00:20:00 medium 10 m.
8. Revision test II 00:20:00 medium 11.5 m.
9. Revision test III 00:20:00 medium 11.5 m.
10. Revision test IV 00:25:00 medium 12 m.
11. Revision test V 00:20:00 medium 12 m.
12. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 2 m.