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Select the appropriate answer for the given question:
Answer variants:
Hydrochloric acid (\(HCl\)) reacts with magnesium ribbon faster because it is a strong acid, and so the complete dissociation of ions takes place faster, causing the fizzing, whereas acetic acid is a weak acid and reacts slower compared to hydrochloric acid.

\(Mg + 2HCl \rightarrow MgCl_2 + H_2\)

Therefore the correct answer is Test tube A.
Washing soda or Sodium carbonate decahydrate - \(Na_2CO_3. 10H_2O\)
Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate - \(NaHCO_3\)

Baking soda is used as an antacid as it helps in relieving stomach aches. The following is the reaction of baking soda with stomach acid forming its salt and water with the release of carbon dioxide gas.

\(NaHCO_3 +HCl \rightarrow NaCl + H_2O + CO_2\)
(a) Plaster of paris written as \(CaSO_4.\frac{1}{2}H_{2}O\) where the half represents two molecule of water with one molecules of \(CaSO_4\). Here the water molecules are present as water of crystallisation.

(b) Antacids contain sodium hydrogen carbonate because it is acidic, it neutralises excess stomach acid and provides relief.
1. Write the chemical formulae of washing soda and baking soda. Which one of these two is an ingredient of antacids? How does it provide relief in stomach ache?
2. Equal lengths of magnesium ribbon are taken in test tube ‘A’ and ‘B’. Hydrochloric acid (\(HCl\)) is added to test tube A’ while acetic acid (\(CH_3COOH\)) is added to test tube ‘B’. In which test tube, will fizzing occur more vigorously and why?