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Methodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
1. | Introduction to electricity | This theory gives an insight on electric charges and electricity. |
2. | Electric current | This theory gives the definition of electric current and explains about its flow with examples. |
3. | Flow of charges | This theory explains about the charge flow in a metallic wire. |
4. | Conventional current | This theory explains about the conventional current and electron current with the help of electric potential. |
5. | Electric potential difference | This theory explains the electric potential difference in detail. |
6. | Electric circuit | This theory gives an idea on a basic electric circuit and explains the source of current. |
7. | Components in an electric circuit | This theory explains about the other components used in an electrical circuit. |
8. | Ohm's law | This theory explains the Ohm's law with a graphical representation. |
9. | Experimental verification of Ohm's law | This theory explains in detail about the experimental verification of Ohm's law with a graph. |
10. | Conductors | This theory gives a brief introduction on conductors with an experiment. |
11. | Insulators | This theory gives a brief introduction on insulators. |
12. | Resistance of a material | This theory gives an insight on resistance and its unit. |
13. | Electrical resistivity | This theory helps to study about the factors affecting the resistance of a material. |
14. | Factors affecting electrical resistivity | This theory derives the factors affecting the resistance of a material. |
15. | Conductance of a material | This theory explains the conductance and conductivity of materials. |
16. | System of resistors | This theory explains about the system of resistors. |
17. | Resistances in parallel | This theory explains about the parallel connection of resistors with circuit diagram. |
18. | Combination of series and parallel connections | This theory explains in detail about the series connection of parallel resistors and parallel connection of series resistors with circuit diagrams. |
19. | Heating effect of current | This theory explains the heating effect of electric current in appliances with an experiment. |
20. | Joule's law of heating | This theory explains and deives the Joule's law of heating in detail. |
21. | Practical applications of heating effect | This theory explains about one of the main applications of heating effect - electrical appliances with examples. |
22. | Other applications of heating effect | This theory illustrates other applications of heating effect - fuse and filament. |
23. | Electric power | This theory derives the formula of electric power and its SI unit in detail. |
24. | Electrical energy | This theory explains the consumption of electrical energy and the units of power. |
25. | Mind map | An overall summary of electricity. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Basics of electricity | Other | easy | 2 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds two marks. The student has to drag and drop the correct answer; and the question deals with basics of electricity. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
2. | Electrical appliances | Other | easy | 2 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds two marks. The student has to drag and drop the correct answer; and the question deals with electrical appliances. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
3. | Circuit connections | Other | easy | 4 m. | This exercise contains two practice questions and each question holds two marks. The student has to choose the best answer; and the questions deal with various circuit connections. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts. |
4. | Electrical components | Other | easy | 3 m. | This exercise contains three practice questions and each question holds one mark. The student has to drag & drop the best answer; and the questions deal with heating effect and components of circuits. As an outcome of this exercise,the student will learn about the mentioned concepts. |
5. | Symbols of electrical devices | Other | easy | 2 m. | This exercise contains four practice questions and each question holds one mark. The student has to drag and drop the best answer; and the questions deal with electrical components. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
6. | Electrical instruments | Other | easy | 4 m. | This exercise contains four practice questions and each question holds one mark. The student has to drag and drop the best answer; and the questions deal with electrical instruments. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
7. | Calculation of current | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of current. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
8. | Effective resistance | Other | medium | 4 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds four marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of effective resistence and current. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
9. | Current flowing across the resistors | Other | medium | 4 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds four marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of current. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
10. | Circuit current problem | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of current. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
11. | Potential difference | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calcaulation of potential difference. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
12. | Resistance of a wire | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with ohm's law. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
13. | Heating effect in appliances | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with joule's law of heating. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
14. | Resistance calculation | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of resistance. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
15. | Energy consumption | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with energy consumption. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
16. | Resistance analysis | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of resistance. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
17. | Consumption of current | Other | hard | 5 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds five marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of current in electrical appliances. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
18. | Differences between electrical terms | Other | hard | 4 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds four marks. The student has to drag and drop the correct answer; and the question deals with conductors and insulators. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
19. | Total resistance | Other | hard | 5 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds five marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of current and total resistance in parallel circuit. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
20. | Conductivity | Other | hard | 5 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds five marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of resistivity and conductivity. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
21. | Electrical connections | Other | hard | 4 m. | This exercise contains two practice questions and each question holds two marks. The student has to choose the best answer; and the questions deal with electrical circuits. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
22. | Electric bulb | Other | hard | 5 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds five marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of energy and power. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
23. | Electrical components in a circuit | Other | hard | 4 m. | This exercise contains two practice questions and each question holds two marks. The student has to choose the best answer; and the questions deal with electrical components. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Electric circuit model | Other | medium | 0 m. | This exercise contains one question for teacher use type question and it holds zero marks. The student has to write the answer in white sheet and the question deals with electric circuit. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
2. | Circuit wires | Other | medium | 0 m. | This exercise contains two question for teacher use type questions and it holds zero marks. The student has to write the answer in white sheet and the question deals with circuit connections. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
3. | Ratio of series and parallel connection | Other | hard | 3 m. | This exercise contains one question for teacher use type question and it holds zero marks. The student has to write the answer in white sheet and the question deals with series and parallel circuits. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts. |
4. | Effective resistance of parallel circuits | Other | hard | 0 m. | This exercise contains one question for teacher use type question and it holds zero marks. The student has to write the answer in white sheet and effective resistance of parallel circuits. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
5. | Resistivity of a material | Other | hard | 0 m. | This exercise contains one question for teacher use type question and it holds zero marks. The student has to write the answer in white sheet and the question deals with resistivity of a material. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
6. | Current in an electric circuit | Other | medium | 1 m. | This exercise contains one practice question and it holds three marks. The student has to enter the correct answer; and the question deals with calculation of current. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
7. | Resistance | Other | easy | 1 m. | This exercise consists of one NECRT Exemplar question that holds one mark. The student has to choose the best answer; and the question deals with the factors affecting the resistance. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the resistance of a circuit. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Homework I | 00:20:00 | medium | 7 m. | To train and familiarize with the basic components used in electrical circuits and also to workout a problem using appropriate formula. |
2. | Homework II | 00:20:00 | medium | 10 m. | To train and familiarize with the basics of electrical circuits and also to workout a problem using appropriate formula. |
3. | Homework III | 00:25:00 | hard | 14 m. | To practice on the symbols of electric circuits and also to find the amount of energy consumed by an electric bulb. |
4. | Homework IV | 00:25:00 | hard | 12 m. | To practice on the basic terms used in electricity and to workout a problem on calculating the amount of current used by an appliance. |
5. | Homework V | 00:25:00 | hard | 9 m. | A simple activity on making a light bulb glow using aluminium foil. |
6. | Homework VI | 00:25:00 | hard | 10 m. | An experiment to calculate the elctrical resistivity of a material. |
7. | Revision test I | 00:20:00 | medium | 15 m. | To workout the problem sums based on the potential difference and resistance of a circuit. |
8. | Revision test II | 00:20:00 | medium | 20 m. | To practice on the problem sums based on the conductivity of a material. |
9. | Revision test III | 00:25:00 | hard | 19 m. | Tp practice on different circuit connections and the amount of resistance in a circuit. |
10. | Revision test IV | 00:25:00 | hard | 15 m. | To explain about the circuit type used in domestic circuits in detail. |
11. | Revision test V | 00:25:00 | hard | 13 m. | To test the concepts of effective resistance in a circuit and also the energy consumption. |
12. | Periodic Assessment | 00:15:00 | medium | 4 m. | PA 2 |