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Population explosion is defined as the sudden and rapid rise in the size of the population.
It is a rapid increase in the population over a relatively short period of time. A rapid decline in the death rate, infant mortality rate (IMR), the maternal mortality rate (MMR), an increased number of persons in the reproductive age are the major reasons for population explosion.
The population growth rate could be brought down considerably through the Reproductive and Child Health Care (RCH) programmes conducted by the government. Realising the danger of population expansion, the Indian government has taken several measures to limit population growth, including family planning.
In \(1952\), India was one of the first countries in the world to implement a nationwide family planning programme. Family planning is a way of living that couples willingly choose based on knowledge and responsible decisions in order to improve the health and welfare of their family and community.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also emphasised the necessity of family planning as a global health policy for everyone.
In India, the inverted red triangle is a symbol of family planning for family welfare. It is prominently displayed in all hospitals, primary health clinics, and family welfare centres, where any assistance or advise on family planning is provided for free of charge. The symbol is accompanied by the phrase "Small Family, Happy Family."

Symbol of family planning
Birth control or Contraception:
Birth control methods work on any one of the phenomena, including:
1. Preventing the sperm transport to the ovum.
2. Preventing ovulation.
3. Preventing the implantation of the early embryo in the uterus.
Contraceptive Method:
Contraception is one of the best birth control measures. There are different contraceptive methods used, which prevents unwanted pregnancy, and the spreading of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). The devices used for contraception are called contraceptive devices.

Illustration of contraceptive methods
Contraceptive methods are of two types:
1. Natural method of contraception
2. Artificial means of contraception
How should an ideal contraceptive be?
- It should be user-friendly, easily available, effective and reversible.
- There should be no or least side-effects.
- It should not interfere with sexual drive, desire and sexual act.
Natural or traditional methods:
These methods work on the principle to avoid the chances of an ovum meeting with the sperms. The different methods include:
i. Periodic abstinence - It is a method where the couple avoid copulation or intercourse from days \(10\) to \(17\) of the menstrual cycle, i.e., when ovulation is expected.
ii. Coitus interruptus - In this method, the male withdraws his penis before insemination of the semen into the female's vagina.
iii. Lactational amenorrhea - After parturition, there is no menstrual cycle and thus there is no ovulation in the females. This method is effective only six months after childbirth.