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"Recycle" means collecting plastic, paper, glass, and metal items and recycling them to make recycled plastic instead of synthesising or extracting fresh plastic, paper, glass, or metal. Rather than throwing useful things in the trash, recycling them to make reusable materials by transporting them to places that can be remade into the same or different products.
To recycle, we must first segregate our wastes so that recyclable materials are not dumped along with the wastes in a landfill. Making new items out of recycled materials also uses less energy and other resources than making new products out of virgin materials.
Ways to practice "Recycle":
i. Buying toilet paper, stationery items, paper towels made from recycled paper.
ii. Purchasing tiles from crushed light bulbs.
iii. Making garden hoses from used tires and yard furniture from recycled plastic bottles.

Recycled tyre to a pouch
Ways to practice "Reuse":
i. Instead of disposing used envelopes, they can be reversed and reused.
ii. Plastic bottles or glass jars in which food items like jam or pickle are packed can be reused to store things in the kitchen.
iii. Instead of disposable cups or mugs, washable cups can be used in restaurants and stores.
iv. Disposable plastic cups, plates, utensils, and plastic food storage bags can be washed and reused for a long time.
v. Stop tearing the wrapping paper from gifts, which can be reused if the wrapper is carefully removed.
vi. Use a cloth and jute bag while shopping so that paper or plastic bags are not used.

Using cloth bags and jute bags while shopping
vii. Instead of using paper napkins, use washable cloth table napkins.