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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Electric current and circuits To learn and understand about the basics of electric current and the components of a circuit.
2. Circuit connections To understand about the schematic representation of the circuit diagram.
3. Heating effect of current To learn about the heating effect in appliances and Compact Fluorescent Lamps.
4. Magnetic effect To study and understand about the magnetic effect on current.
5. Electromagnetism To learn and understand the concept of electromagnets, its uses and the complete working of an electric bell.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Electrical appliances 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. To know about the various electrical appliances used for heating at home.
2. Terms of electricity 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. To apply the basic terms of electricity.
3. Components of electric circuit 1st type - receptive medium 4 m. To understand the components in electric circuits.
4. Electrical components in a circuit 2nd type - interpretation hard 8 m. To reason out the concepts of electrical components in an electric circuit.
5. Incandescent electric bulbs 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. To apply the concepts of incandescent electric bulbs and properties of element in the appliances.
6. Electrical circuits 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. To know the examples of heating effect in electrical appliances and components of circuits.
7. Electric bell 2nd type - interpretation hard 8 m. To apply the procedure of experiment based on an example of electromagnet: Electric bell.
8. Symbols of electrical components 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. To match the symbols of electrical components based on the questions.
9. Heating effect in appliances 2nd type - interpretation medium 6 m. To apply the full concepts of electrical circuits and its heating effect.
10. Magnetic effect 2nd type - interpretation hard 8 m. To familiarise with the concept of magnetic effect on electric current.
11. Safety equipments used in circuits 3rd type - analysis hard 9 m. To analyse and choose the correct answers for the reasoning in the safety measures of circuits and about the different types of bulbs.
12. Magnetic effect and electromagnets 2nd type - interpretation easy 2 m. To analyse the circuit connections and answer the questions on the magnetic effect.
13. Electromagnets 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. To apply the concepts learned about the electromagnets.
14. Magnetic effect in electromagnets 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. To apply about the concept of electromagnets.
15. Terms related to electricity 2nd type - interpretation easy 3 m. To know about the general terms related to the process involved in changing a substance.
16. Electromagnets and its examples 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. To know the examples of heating effect and electromagnets.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Power source and fuse Other medium 6 m. To reason out the questions on the cell, fuse and electromagnets.
2. Heating effect of current Other medium 6 m. To understand about the heating effects of current in the circuits and preventive measures.
3. Schematic representation of an electrical circuit Other hard 10 m. To draw the electric circuit in switched ON and OFF state.
4. Making our own circuit Other hard 10 m. To apply the procedure to make a simple circuit to make a bulb glow.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test 1 00:15:00 medium 8 m. To train on the basic electrical appliances used in homes and also the consumption of electricity.
2. Training test 2 00:15:00 medium 10 m. To get trained on the terms used in electricity, basics of magnetic effect of electric current, and its usage in the electromagnets.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework test 1 00:20:00 medium 15 m. To test the concepts learned about the various electrical components used in the electrical circuits and also about the incandescent electric bulbs.
2. Homework test 2 00:20:00 medium 15 m. To test the knowledge gained on the idea of the magnetic effects, electromagnets in detail, and also about various safety equipments like fuse and MCB.
3. Homework test 3 00:20:00 medium 10 m. An activity to make the electrical circuit on our own with the help of simple electrical components.
4. Progress test 1 00:20:00 medium 24 m. To test the progress attained in the concept of heating effect of electric current and an example of electromagnet - Electric bell. Also to test on the diagramatic representation of electrical circuits.
5. Progress test 2 00:20:00 medium 25 m. To check the progress on the understanding of both heating and magnetic effect and the main power source commonly used in the electrical circuits.