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When we touch any hot objects like a hot pan or a hot coffee mug, we can feel the heat on that object because it conducts the heat.
Any object that conducts heat is called, conductor. When the heat transfers from one point to another point in an object, that process is called conduction.
Most of the time, conduction occurs in solid substances.
In a solid substance, if heat transfers from one junction to another junction, this process of heat transfer is called conduction.
In other words,
Conduction is the transfer of heat energy that occurs between two objects, which are touching each other.
Let's perform an activity step by step to understand this concept.
Step 1. Take a candle and an iron rod or any heat conductive material.
Step 2. Then, lit the candle.
Step 3. Heat the iron rod as shown in the picture.
Fig. - conduction
When the iron rod absorbs heat, the heat gets transferred from ione end to another end. And, when you touch the iron with your hand, you can feel the heat.
Do you know why you feel the heat when you touch the iron rod?
The iron rod (conductor) transfers the heat to your hand at the other end. This flow of heat energy in solids from one junction to another is known as conduction.
You feel the same when you touch the hot water in a mug because the heat in the water transfers to the mug, and when you touch it, you can feel the heat.
But, not all materials can conduct heat energy. For example, the handle of the cooker or a pan does not conduct heat energy because they are made up of plastics. So, these kinds of materials are known insulators. Examples: Wood, Plastics.
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