எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்

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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Respiration and its need A theory that explains the importance of respiration.
2. The two types of respiration A theory that describes the types of respiration.
3. Breathing and breathing rate A theory that explains the various terms related to breathing.
4. The process of breathing in humans A theory that cleary explains the process of breathing in humans.
5. Exchange of gases A detailed discussion about the processes of inhalation and exhalation.
6. Mechanism of breathing An activity through which we can understand in detail about the working mechanism of the respiratory system.
7. What do we breathe out? An activity which helps us in understanding that we exhale carbon dioxide.
8. The process of breathing in animals This theory explains the various structures and the process of breathing in various animals.
9. The process of respiration in plants A theory that explains the process and importance of respiration in plants.
10. Mind map A conceptual map that helps in recalling all the concepts learnt in the topic respiration in organisms.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. An exercise based on the concepts from aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
2. Terms related to the process of breathing in humans 2nd type - interpretation easy 2 m. An exercise based on the theory of breathing, breathing rate and the process of breathing in humans.
3. Respiration in humans and other animals 2nd type - interpretation easy 3 m. A practice exercise based on the concepts from respiration in humans and other animals.
4. Plants and respiration 2nd type - interpretation easy 3 m. An exercise based on the concepts from respiration in plants.
5. Respiration and its types 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. An exercise based on the two types of respiration.
6. Cellular respiration in plants 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. An exercise based on the concepts from respiration in plants.
7. NCERT objective type questions 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. An exercise that contains questions and solutions picked from the NCERT books.
8. Elements of respiration 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. An exercise based on the concepts from respiration in animals.
9. Analyse the sentences related to the process of respiration 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. An exercise that memorizes the concepts of respiration.
10. Identify the respiratory structures of plants and cockroaches 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. An exercise based on the pictures that shows the respiratory structures of plants and cockroaches.
11. Recalling respiration 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. An exercise based on the contents from respiration.
12. Choose the right terms of respiration 3rd type - analysis medium 4 m. An exercise consisting of multiple choice questions based on the concepts of respiration.
13. Rearrange the letters related to respiration 3rd type - analysis medium 3 m. An exercise based on the terms realted to respiration.
14. Pair the terms related to respiration correctly 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. An exercise that is based on the various terminologies used in respiration.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Respiration in animals and plants Other hard 4 m. An exercise based on the respiration of animals and plants. This exercise will be manually checked by your teacher.
2. Revising the topics of respiration and its types and the process of breathing Other hard 4 m. This is an exercise in which helps us in recalling the topics respiration and breathing. This exercise will be manually checked by your teacher.
3. A revision on respiration Other hard 16 m. An exercise containing questions that have to answerd in detail based on the concepts of respiration.
4. NCERT subjective type questions Other hard 8 m. An exercise that contains questions and solutions picked from the NCERT books.
5. Changes that occur during the process of breathing Other easy 1 m. An activity based on the concepts of breathing in humans.
6. The effect of breathing on chest size Other medium 1 m. An activity that helps in understanding the variation in chest size during breathing.
7. Working lung model Other hard 7 m. Perform, analyse and write down the answer.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Traning test 1 00:15:00 easy 10 m. A test that contain 2 easy and one medium practice exercise based on the concepts of respiration.
2. Training test 2 00:15:00 medium 10 m. To test the students about cellular respiration in plants and animals, and the various elements of respiration.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework test 1 00:20:00 medium 15 m. A homework test that contans an activity about the effect f breathing on chest size, concepts related to respiration in humans and other animals.
2. Homework test 2 00:15:00 medium 15 m. A homework test that contains an activity regarding the changes that occur during breathing, the respiratory structures of cockroaches, and plants.
3. Progress test 1 00:20:00 hard 17 m. A test that analyses you about the types of respiration and respiration in plants and animals.
4. Progress test 2 00:20:00 medium 25 m. A test that contains one practice exercise and two exercises that will manually checked by the teacher.
5. Progress test 3 00:30:00 hard 19 m. A test that contains questions based on an NCERT perspective and an activity involved with the working mechanism of lungs.