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Explain how soil pollution and soil erosion could be prevented.
Prevention of soil pollution:
1. Reduce the use of plastics: Plastics and bags destroy soil fertility. Hence, they should be disposed of properly and avoided if possible.
2. Industrial pollutants: Some waste products from and homes pollute the soil. Before they are disposed of, these pollutants should be treated chemically to make them harmless.
3. Insecticides: Other pollutants of soil include and insecticides.
4. Use manures instead of chemical fertilizers.
5. Industrial waste should be treated before release.
Therefore, the excessive use of these substances should be avoided.

Prevention of soil erosion:
1. Mass awareness to reduce for industrial purposes.
2. Helping local people to regenerate the degrading forest.
3. trees.
4. Avoid over-grazing of .
5. Use of step-farming in hill regions.