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Adaptation in Penguins
- Penguins are also white in colour and so merges easily in the snow cover.

- Thick skin and thick layer of fat that protects and insulates from cold.
- Streamlined body, flipper-like wings, and webbed feet to aid in swimming. It also helps the penguin to easily catch their prey.

- Huddle together to keep itself warm.

Other animals that lives in polar regions include whales, seals, fishes, foxes, reindeer, musk oxen, and birds.
Migration in birds
To escape the extreme winter season, the birds migrate from polar regions to warmer regions like India.
Birds migrate to a warmer place when the winter begins, and return back when the winter is over.
Siberian cranes travel from Siberia to places like Bharatpur in Rajasthan, Sultanpur in Haryana, and other wetlands of North-east part of India.
Migratory birds may travel as much as \(15000 km\) to escape the extreme climatic condition!!

- The birds fly high which use the wind flow, and the cold conditions allow to disperse the heat generated by the flight muscles.
- The birds have a sense of direction. Some birds also use landmarks to guide them.
- Some birds use the sun as a guide during daytime and the stars during night.
- Some of them use the magnetic field of the earth to find the direction.
Migration is also observed in fishes, insects and mammals seasonally for more hospitable climates.