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Collect weather reports of seven successive days in the winter months (preferably December). Collect similar reports for the summer months (preferably June). Now prepare a table for sunrise and sunset times as shown:
Try to answer the following questions:

(i) Is there any difference in the time of sunrise during summer and winter?
 in the time of sunrise during summer and winter. It is because the days gets in summer and in winter.

(ii) When do you find that the sun rises earlier?
The sun rises earlier in .

(iii) Do you also find any difference in the time of sunset during the month of June and December?
in the time of sunset during the month of June and December. It is because the gets longer in summer and shorter in winter; whereas, the  gets longer in winter and shorter in summer.

(iv) When are the days longer?
Days are  i.e., in the month of .

(v) When are the nights longer?
Nights are  i.e., in the month of .

(vi) Why are the days sometimes longer and sometimes shorter?
Days are longer in summer and shorter in winter because of the . The tilted axis changes the view of  in the sky making it appear for . The Earth's axis is responsible for the .