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On the part of the government:
  1. A cyclone forecast and warning services have to be installed.
  2. Warning information should be communicated to the government agencies, the ports, fishermen, and the general public as quickly as possible on time.
  3. People living near the coastal areas should be evacuated and should be moved to a safer place with proper arrangements.
  4. In cyclone-prone areas, cyclone shelters should be constructed.
On the part of people:
  1. Warnings issued by the meteorological department should not be ignored.
  2. People should follow the guidelines given by the government agencies through TV, radio, or newspapers.
  3. Necessary household goods should be kept safely with proper storage.
  4. Also, domestic animals and vehicles should be moved to a safer place.
  5. The roads would have been damaged due to floods, so one should avoid driving during these times.
  6. Phone numbers of all emergency services like police, fire brigade, and medical centres should be kept ready.
In a cyclone hit area:
  1. Drinking water should be stored for emergencies. Avoid drinking any contaminated water.
  2. Switches and power lines should not be touched with wet hands.
  3. Never roam outside unnecessarily.
  4. The rescue force should not be pressurised by making any unnecessary demands.
  5. Always help and cooperate with your neighbours and friends.
  6. Never enter a damaged building.
Technological help:
Nowadays, people are better protected compared to the early part of the last century. In those days, the residents in the coastal areas had less than a day to prepare or evacuate their homes, but today it is different with the help of satellites and radars.
A satellite predicting weather
Cyclone watch:
If a storm is expected, then a cyclone alert or cyclone watch is issued before \(48\) \(hours\) whereas, a cyclone warning is issued \(24\) \(hours\) in advance. For every hour or half-hour, a message is broadcasted as the cyclone nears the coast. The cyclone-related disasters are monitored regularly by several national and international organizations.