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Paper is an important product that we obtain from the forest. It is made from wood pulp produced from the wood of the forest trees. Papermaking thus is one of the causes of deforestation. Thus reducing paper usage can save the trees.
It takes nearly \(17\) trees to make a single tonne of paper.
If each student saves one paper in a day, it saves many trees in a year. When using a single piece of paper without wasting both sides can reduce the usage and the trees. For doing rough work, slate and chalk or using a pencil will reduce the wasting of paper, and reusing the paper wherever is also helpful and can save the more number of trees being cut down for paper.

3R's - Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
Processing of waste materials to make new materials which can be used again is called recycling.
Paper can be recycled from old newspapers, magazines, books, notebooks and other paper products (packaging products after removing ink). Paper must be saved, reused and recycled (by sending to paper mill).
Advantages of saving, reusing and recycling paper:
1. Saves forest trees from being cut down.
2. Saves water used in the manufacture of paper.
3. Saves energy in the form of electricity in the manufacture of paper
4. Reduction in harmful chemicals used in paper making
Problem of deforestation can be solved through reforestation.

Healthy green city
Planting of trees in an area where the forests were destroyed is called as reforestation.
Reforestation aims to cover the forest again with plants through planting new trees. The planted trees must generally be of the same species cut down from the forest during deforestation.

Plant a tree
We should plant at least as many trees that have been cut down. In this way, forest will have sufficient number of trees.
The forests are called "green wealth of the country".
The only option to retain the green wealth for the future is reforestation. Reforestation can also take place naturally. If the deforested area is left without disturbance for some time, the forest re-establishes itself by tree growth, called natural reforestation. In natural reforestation, humans do not have any role.
Advantages of Reforestation:
- It helps produce a large quantity of raw material for the paper industry, timber etc.
- Reforestation leads to a decrease in global warming by the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
- Increases rainfall in an area that subsequently raises the groundwater level and prevents droughts.
- It prevents soil erosion and floods.
- Reforestation increases forest area that causes conservation of wildlife.
Forest conservation act in India aims to preserve and conserve forests, and at the same time, it meets the basic needs of the people who live in or near the forest.

Conserve the tree