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Based on the distance and the time interval, motion can be split into two types, namely, uniform motion and non-uniform motion.
Uniform motion:
An object is said to be in uniform motion if it travels in a straight line covering equal distances in equal intervals of time. In this type of motion, the time interval will be small.
Imagine a car moving in a straight line covers \(5\ m\) in the first second, then \(5\ m\) more in the next second, \(5\ m\) in the third second and again \(5\ m\) in the fourth. Here, the car has travelled \(5\ m\) in each second, showing that it is in uniform motion.

A car moving in a straight line

Movement of blades of a fan

Movement of hands of a clock
Non-uniform motion:
An object is said to be in non-uniform motion if it travels along a straight line covering unequal distances in equal intervals of time.
At the starting point of the journey, the train was at rest, and then it starts moving slowly. After covering a certain distance, the train gathered some speed. Then, it slowed down while crossing a bridge and stopped at the stations for the passengers.
Finally, the train slowed down and came to a halt at the last station. Throughout the journey, the speed of the train was not the same. Thus, the motion is said to be a non-uniform motion.

Moving train

A car moving on a crowded street

A person jogging in a park