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Atmosphere and its necessity
Climate control:
The most crucial factor of climate change is seasons and temperature. As we move above the higher altitude, the density of the atmospheric layer decreases. This is because as we elevate above, the pressure decreases, which causes the expansion of air molecules, causing the temperature to decrease.
Air is a bad conductor of heat since the molecules in the air is far away from each other, so the transfer of heat takes place at a very minimal rate.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas that traps sunlight.
We are all aware that CO2, a greenhouse gas, is emitted during the day. But, Compared to the daytime, CO2 emissions are lowest at night. During the night, a smaller amount of air gets warmed up, the extra heat added by the sea breeze and climatic conditions.
Land breeze occurs at night (cool air) and sea breeze at day (warm air).
Thus during nighttime, it is warmer compared to daytime.
The density of cold air is more compared to hot air. This is because hot air has fewer molecules compared to cold air. We know that more dense objects sink and the less dense float.
Buoyancy is the force that helps objects to float.
The hot air rises and the colder air replaces it and this process of maintaining heat is known as convection. Thus, we know the moon has no atmosphere, so when its day, it is1000°C, and at night, it is in minus degree Celsius.
The movement of the wind is caused by a difference in pressure, which is caused by a difference in the density of the atmosphere. The reflected rays which reach the earth surface heats the lower layer of the atmosphere, which causes the convention currents. Due to this, air moves to the region of lower pressure overland from the region of high pressure on the water bodies and create winds. 
As we know, there is uneven heating that occurs inland and sea. When the water is heated, it changes its state to steam (evaporation).

Then cooling of water vapour occurs (condensation), and the dust and other impurities present in the atmosphere lead to the formation of clouds. Here the water droplets grow more significant due to this process.
Precipitation leads to rainfall from the clouds, and it can also cause snow and icefall.
Sublimation is the process where substances skip the liquid state and enter directly into gaseous form.