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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Plasma membrane (plasmalemma) An object gives an overview of components of cells and Plasma membrane.
2. Transport across membrane An object gives an clear view of transport across cell membrane through active and passive transport and diffusion.
3. Osmosis An object explaining the process of osmosis and its types.
4. Cell wall An object explains the outer covering layer of cell wall and its function, along with this, difference between Cell wall and plasma membrane also included.
5. Nucleus An object consist of the structure and function of the nucleus.
6. Cytoplasm An object gives an overview of the structure, components and the functions of cytoplasm.
7. Mindmap The overall concept map of this topic.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Plasma membrane 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Choose the correct answer from the topic of Plasma membrane.
2. Types of transport and diffusion across the plasma membrane 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. State true or false exercise from the topic of transport and diffusion.
3. Component of cell 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. A drop down exercise from the topic of Nucleus.
4. Osmosis and its types 2nd type - interpretation medium 4.5 m. Choose the correct answer from the topic of osmosis and its types.
5. Nucleus 2nd type - interpretation medium 4.5 m. Comprehensive type of exercise from the the Nucleus.
6. Components of cell 2nd type - interpretation medium 4.5 m. Fill in the blanks exercise from componets of cell.
7. Cell components - Nucleus, Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm, Cell wall and Nucleus 2nd type - interpretation medium 4.5 m. Choose the correct answer from all the cell components.
8. Plant, animal and bacterial cell 2nd type - interpretation medium 6 m. Label the part exercise from plant, animal and a bacterial cell.
9. Cell components and transportation 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. Choose the correct variant exercise from the topic of cell components and transportation.
10. Components of cell 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. Assertion and Reasoning type of exercise from the components f the cell.
11. Cell componets and cell organelle 2nd type - interpretation hard 6 m. Match the folllowing exercise from the cell organelle and its componnets.
12. NCERT objective type questions 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. Choose the correct variant exercise from the topic of discovery of cell and components of cell.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Plasma membrane Other hard 6 m. Answer the following questions test exercise based on the plasma membrane.
2. Osmosis and Nucelus Other hard 9 m. Answer the folloing: A test exercise from osmosis and nucleus.
3. Cell components and transport Other hard 7.5 m. Answer the following: A test exercise from cell componets and transport.
4. Plasma membrane and nucleus Other hard 7.5 m. Detail question answer from plasma membrane and nucleus.
5. Osmosis and its types Other hard 4 m. An activity explaining the process of Endosmosis and Exosmosis in the experimental way.
6. Process of endocytosis, Structue of nucleus and Diffusion Other hard 8 m. The exercise based on the picture - Process of endocytosis, Structue of nucleus and Diffusion.
7. NCERT subjective type questions: Components of cell Other hard 4 m. Answer the following questions based on components of the cell that are taken from the NCERT Exemplar.
8. Functions of the Plasma Membrane Other medium 1 m. Practice the questions related to the plant and animal cell.
9. Transportation of substance across the plasma membrane Other medium 1 m. Practice the questions related to the transportation of substance across the plasma membrane.
10. Cell wall Other medium 1 m. Practice the questions related to the transportation of substance across the plasma membrane.
11. Structure and function of the nucleus Other hard 2 m. Choose the correct variant exercise from the topic of cell components and transportation.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test I 00:15:00 easy 10.5 m. A training session of easy exercise based on plasma membrane and its transport.
2. Training test II 00:15:00 easy 13.5 m. A training session of easy exercise based on nucleus and transportation of cell.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework test I 00:20:00 medium 15 m. Evaluate your observation about the components of cell such as plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm.
2. Homework test II 00:20:00 medium 18 m. Evaluate your observation about the composition of plant, animal and bacterial cells, and also it includes the ncert objective types of question with answers.
3. Progress test I 00:20:00 hard 19 m. Test your knowledge about this subtopic 'components of cell'.
4. Progress test II 00:20:00 hard 19.5 m. Test your knowledge about this subtopic 'components of cell '.
5. Periodic Assessment 00:10:00 medium 8 m. PA 1