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Methodical recommendation:
Number | Name | Description |
1. | Plasma membrane (plasmalemma) | An object gives an overview of components of cells and Plasma membrane. |
2. | Transport across membrane | An object gives an clear view of transport across cell membrane through active and passive transport and diffusion. |
3. | Osmosis | An object explaining the process of osmosis and its types. |
4. | Cell wall | An object explains the outer covering layer of cell wall and its function, along with this, difference between Cell wall and plasma membrane also included. |
5. | Nucleus | An object consist of the structure and function of the nucleus. |
6. | Cytoplasm | An object gives an overview of the structure, components and the functions of cytoplasm. |
7. | Mindmap | The overall concept map of this topic. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Plasma membrane | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | Choose the correct answer from the topic of Plasma membrane. |
2. | Types of transport and diffusion across the plasma membrane | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | State true or false exercise from the topic of transport and diffusion. |
3. | Component of cell | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | A drop down exercise from the topic of Nucleus. |
4. | Osmosis and its types | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4.5 m. | Choose the correct answer from the topic of osmosis and its types. |
5. | Nucleus | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4.5 m. | Comprehensive type of exercise from the the Nucleus. |
6. | Components of cell | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4.5 m. | Fill in the blanks exercise from componets of cell. |
7. | Cell components - Nucleus, Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm, Cell wall and Nucleus | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4.5 m. | Choose the correct answer from all the cell components. |
8. | Plant, animal and bacterial cell | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 6 m. | Label the part exercise from plant, animal and a bacterial cell. |
9. | Cell components and transportation | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 6 m. | Choose the correct variant exercise from the topic of cell components and transportation. |
10. | Components of cell | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 6 m. | Assertion and Reasoning type of exercise from the components f the cell. |
11. | Cell componets and cell organelle | 2nd type - interpretation | hard | 6 m. | Match the folllowing exercise from the cell organelle and its componnets. |
12. | NCERT objective type questions | 3rd type - analysis | hard | 6 m. | Choose the correct variant exercise from the topic of discovery of cell and components of cell. |
Questions for Teacher Use
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Plasma membrane | Other | hard | 6 m. | Answer the following questions test exercise based on the plasma membrane. |
2. | Osmosis and Nucelus | Other | hard | 9 m. | Answer the folloing: A test exercise from osmosis and nucleus. |
3. | Cell components and transport | Other | hard | 7.5 m. | Answer the following: A test exercise from cell componets and transport. |
4. | Plasma membrane and nucleus | Other | hard | 7.5 m. | Detail question answer from plasma membrane and nucleus. |
5. | Osmosis and its types | Other | hard | 4 m. | An activity explaining the process of Endosmosis and Exosmosis in the experimental way. |
6. | Process of endocytosis, Structue of nucleus and Diffusion | Other | hard | 8 m. | The exercise based on the picture - Process of endocytosis, Structue of nucleus and Diffusion. |
7. | NCERT subjective type questions: Components of cell | Other | hard | 4 m. | Answer the following questions based on components of the cell that are taken from the NCERT Exemplar. |
8. | Functions of the Plasma Membrane | Other | medium | 1 m. | Practice the questions related to the plant and animal cell. |
9. | Transportation of substance across the plasma membrane | Other | medium | 1 m. | Practice the questions related to the transportation of substance across the plasma membrane. |
10. | Cell wall | Other | medium | 1 m. | Practice the questions related to the transportation of substance across the plasma membrane. |
11. | Structure and function of the nucleus | Other | hard | 2 m. | Choose the correct variant exercise from the topic of cell components and transportation. |
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Training test I | 00:15:00 | easy | 10.5 m. | A training session of easy exercise based on plasma membrane and its transport. |
2. | Training test II | 00:15:00 | easy | 13.5 m. | A training session of easy exercise based on nucleus and transportation of cell. |
Periodic assessments
Number | Name | Recomended time: | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Homework test I | 00:20:00 | medium | 15 m. | Evaluate your observation about the components of cell such as plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm. |
2. | Homework test II | 00:20:00 | medium | 18 m. | Evaluate your observation about the composition of plant, animal and bacterial cells, and also it includes the ncert objective types of question with answers. |
3. | Progress test I | 00:20:00 | hard | 19 m. | Test your knowledge about this subtopic 'components of cell'. |
4. | Progress test II | 00:20:00 | hard | 19.5 m. | Test your knowledge about this subtopic 'components of cell '. |
5. | Periodic Assessment | 00:10:00 | medium | 8 m. | PA 1 |