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 Compare the power at which each of the following is moving upwards against the force of gravity? (given \(g\ =\ 10\ m s^{-2}\))

1. A butterfly of mass \(1.0\ g\) that flies upward at a rate of \(0.5\ m s^{-1}\)

2. A \(250\ g\) squirrel climbing up on a tree at a rate of \(0.5\ m s^{-1}\)
The formula to calculate the Force (\(F\)) is,
The formula to calculate the Power (\(P\)) is,
Power exerted by butterfly \(=\)  \(W\)
Power exerted by squirrel \(=\)  \(W\)
(Note: Enter your answer with \(3\) decimal digits)
The squirrel exerts  in climbing than a butterfly exerts in flying at the same rate.