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1. How is ethanoic acid prepared from ethanol? Give the chemical equation.
Ethanoic acid is prepared on a huge scale through the of ethanol in the presence of alkaline potassium permanganate or acidified potassium dichromate.

CH3-CH2-OH \(\xrightarrow[2(O)]{KMnO_4/OH^-}\) + H2O
Ethanol   \(\xrightarrow[2(O)]{KMnO_4/OH^-}\)   Ethanoic acid + Water
2.How do detergents cause water pollution? Suggest remedial measures to prevent this pollution?
Some detergents with chains are not completely biodegradable by water-based microorganisms. As a result, they pollute the water.
Remedial action:
Biodegradable detergents: They have chains that bacteria can easily degrade.