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An electric switch or a key is connected to the circuit to stop or allow the current flow.
A toggle switch
The symbol for the switch is shown below:
Symbol of a switch
If a key is switched off (open), the current will not flow across the circuit; thus, it is an open circuit. A lamp does not glow in this type.
If the key is switched on (closed), the current will flow, making it a closed circuit. A lamp glows in this type.
If the key is switched on (closed), the current will flow, making it a closed circuit. A lamp glows in this type.
Open and closed circuits
An ammeter is an instrument used for measuring electric current in a circuit. The electric current is measured in the units of ampere.
An ammeter
Symbol of ammeter
A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring the potential difference in a circuit. The potential difference is measured in the units of volts.
A voltmeter
Symbol of voltmeter
A galvanometer is an instrument used to find the direction of the current.
A galvanometer
Symbol of galvanometer
The resistor is used to control the amount of current flowing through the circuit. The resistor can be fixed or variable.
Fixed resistor:
A fixed resistor has a definite or a fixed value that cannot change.
Symbol of a fixed resistor
Variable resistor:
A variable resistor or a rheostat controls and selects the amount of current flowing through a circuit.
The components such as a diode, Light Emitting Diode (LED), seven-segment display and various other connections will be discussed in detail in upcoming sections.