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The sex of the new born child is a matter of chance and neither of the parents may be considered responsible for it. What would be the possible fusion of gametes to determine the sex of the child?
a. Humans have (\(46\) chromosomes). Out of this \ (23\) pairs, \(22\) are , and the 23rd pair is the , which actively participates in the sex determination process. Males and females both have two sets of sex chromosomes. Males have one \(X\) and one \(Y\) (sex chromosome, both of which are active. Females have, one of which is active.
b. Fertilization of the egg (\(22+X\)) with a sperm (\(22+X\)) results in the birth of a (\(44+XX\)). Fertilization of the egg (\(22+X\)) with a sperm (\(22+Y\)) results in a (\(44+XY\)).
c. All of the offspring inherit the \(X\) chromosome from their . The child who inherits the father's \(X\) chromosome will be a . The child who inherits the \(Y\) chromosome from his father will be a . Characteristics associated with the \(X\) or \(Y\) chromosomes are passed down to the next generation.