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A mechanic unscrews a nut by applying a force of \(140\) \(N\) with a spanner of length \(40\) \(cm\). What should be the length of the spanner if a force of \(40\) \(N\) is applied to unscrew the same nut?
Case 1:
Force (F1) \(=\) \(140\) \(N\)
Distance (d1) \(=\) \(40\) \(cm\)
Case 2:
Force (F2) \(=\) \(40\) \(N\)
The formula to calculate the \(moment\ of\ the\ force\) (\(\tau\)):
From the given data,
\(\tau _{1}\)  \(\tau _{2}\)
Substitute the given values,
\(Distance\) (d2) \(=\)  \(cm\)