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Classify neurons based on its structure.
a. The type of neuron where the axons and dendrites are not distinguished .
b. The type of neuron have one axon and one dendron is .
c. The type of neuron, with one dendron and one axon at opposite poles is .
d. The type of neuron, with one axon and numerous dendron is .
e. The type of neuron, with unidirectional information flow is .
f. The type of neuron, which is present in the neurons of hydra is .
g. The type of neuron,  which is present in the invertebrate and vertebrate embryos is .
h. The type of neuron,  that can be found in the retina of the eyes and olfactory epithelium is .
i. The type of neuron, that can be found in the cerebral cortex of adult vertebrates is .
j. The type of neuron that has one axon extends from the cell body and then split into two is .