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Answer variants:
\(3.84 \times{10^{-12}}\)
gamma (\(γ\))
phosphorous (\(P – 32\))
\(_{−1}e^{0}\) (\(β\) decay)
fatal disease
\(10^{7}\) to \(10^{9}\)
1.  \(_{Z}Y^{A}\) \(\rightarrow\) \(_{Z+1}Y^{A}\) \(+\) \(X\) ; Then, \(X\) is
2. \(_{Z}X^{A}\) \(\rightarrow\) \(_{Z}Y^{A}\). This reaction is possible in 
3. The average energy released in each fusion reaction is about
4. Nuclear fusion is possible only at an extremely high temperature of the order of
5. The radio isotope of
 helps to increase the productivity of crops.
6. If the radiation exposure is \(100\ R\), it may cause