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1. \(_{88}Ra^{226}\) experiences three \(α\) - decay. Find the number of neutrons in the daughter element.
According to \(α\) decay process,
\(_{88}X^{226}\) \(\xrightarrow{3 \alpha\ decay}\) Yii \(+\) \(3\ α\) decay

During \(3\ α\) decay, the atomic number decreases by \(6\) and mass number decreases by \(12\).

Number of neutrons in the daughter element is


Number of neutrons in the daughter element \(N\) \(=\)
2. A cobalt specimen emits induced radiation of \(75.6\) \(millicurie\ per\ second\). Convert this disintegration into becquerel. (\(One\ curie\ =\ 3.7 \times {10^{10}} Bq\))
[Note: Enter your answer with four decimal digits]
Based on the given data,