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 Metal A belongs to period 3 and group 13.
A in red hot condition reacts with steam to form B.
A with strong alkali forms C.
Find A, B and C with reactions.
i. Metal (A) belongs to period 3 and group 13, is .
ii. (A) Al in red hot condition reacts with steam to form .
\(2Al\) + \(3H_2O\) \(\xrightarrow[]{}\) + \(3H_2\)↑
(A) + Steam \(\xrightarrow[]{}\)
iii. Aluminium (A) reacts with strong alkali forms of .
\(2Al\) + \(2NaOH\) → + \(3H_2\)↑

Aluminium + Alkali →
A -
B -
C -