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1. Senthil has high blood pressure, protruded eyeball and an increased body temperature. Name the endocrine gland involved and hormone secretion responsible for this condition.
a. The endocrine gland responsible is .
b. The hormones secreted includes  and .
c. The over secretion of the hormone leads to .
d. The symptoms include protrusion of eyeballs or , increased metabolic rate, high body temperature, profuse sweating, loss of body weight, nervousness, excitability and restlessness.
2. Sanjay is sitting in the exam hall. Before the start of the exam, he sweats a lot, with increased rate of heart beat. Why does this condition occur?
a. Sanjay has the following symptoms due to the secretion of  and  as it produced during conditions of stress and emotions.
b. These hormones are called as  hormones or flight, fright and fight hormone.
c. Due to the role of hormones, the adrenal glands are called .