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In an electrical circuit, the conducting wire, which is made up of metal, allows current to pass through them. Such types of materials are called conductors.
In an electrical circuit, the conducting wire, which is made up of metal, allows current to pass through them. Such types of materials are called conductors.
The materials which allow an electric current to pass through them are called conductors.
The human body, tap water, safety pin, coins and needle.

All metals are good conductors of electricity. Graphite, a non-metal used in pencil lead, are also a conductor of electricity.

Copper tubes
If we use cotton thread instead of copper wire in an electrical circuit, the current will not flow through the circuit. This is because cotton is a poor conductor of electricity and, it does not allow current to pass through it. Such types of materials are called insulators.
The materials that do not allow an electric current to pass through them are called insulators.
Rubber band, plastic pen, rubber, wood, glass, air, and pure water.

Uses of conductors and insulators:
Conductors and insulators play a major role in electrical circuits. Sockets, electrical plugs and switches are made of conductors.

Electric plugs
On the other hand, insulators such as plastics and rubber are used for covering switches, wires, plug tops, and other parts of electrical appliances.
Electrical Safety:
The human body conducts electricity. Carelessness while handling electric devices can cause severe injuries. An electric shock may even lead to death.
Safety measures to safeguard a person from electric shock
- Switch off the power supply.
- Remove the connection from the switch.
- Push him away using non - conducting materials.
- Give him first aid and take him to the nearest health centre.

Usage of wooden/hard plastic stick
Electricians wear rubber gloves to avoid electric shock while repairing an electric switch. They also use screwdrivers and testers made of wood or hard plastic.

Usage of rubber gloves